I’m all for welcoming and teaching everyone, but I’m getting real tired of all the “Linux will never catch on because grandma can’t instantly VM-passthrough her NVIDIA card and remote in with Wireguard” or “changing the wallpaper requires terminal-ninja skills” rhetoric.
Some common things could use simpler on-ramps but people act like mega-corpo you're-too-dumb-let-us-do-it-for-you -ification is some kind of “good thing” for tech adoption , when the strategy is really to create dependent customers without a fundamental understanding of how anything works.
Technically difficult thing is technically difficult, let’s blame John Linux for not making a big red “host server” button.
I’m all for welcoming and teaching everyone, but I’m getting real tired of all the “Linux will never catch on because grandma can’t instantly VM-passthrough her NVIDIA card and remote in with Wireguard” or “changing the wallpaper requires terminal-ninja skills” rhetoric.
Some common things could use simpler on-ramps but people act like mega-corpo
-ification is some kind of “good thing” for tech adoption , when the strategy is really to create dependent customers without a fundamental understanding of how anything works.