You may already use your phone to pay for groceries, but have you ever needed it just to put them in your basket? You may, with this CVS app unlock trial.
I’ve been looking into the local veggie co-op. You pay for the season and you can pick up a box of veggies once a week, all locally sourced. I’d go to the farmers market, but I’m worried it’ll just be a bunch of people selling marked up veggies they got from the grocery store.
CVS wants me to stop shopping with them.
I’ll just goto a fucking supermarket. It’s faster. Yes, even with the checkouts.
Many supermarkets are enshittifying/rent seeking too though
I’ve been looking into the local veggie co-op. You pay for the season and you can pick up a box of veggies once a week, all locally sourced. I’d go to the farmers market, but I’m worried it’ll just be a bunch of people selling marked up veggies they got from the grocery store.