Got the pretty brutal news that one of our three cats is suspected to have FIP. Luckily, treatments have become available in the last couple of years so I’m trying to not get carried away freaking out - but this poor thing has had a tough go.
She came to us as part of a foster litter of kittens without a mom. She was half the size of her siblings and super malnourished. Long after her siblings were adopted, she stayed with us. She had allergies requiring special food and daily (expensive) meds and no one wanted to adopt a higher needs cat. She then had a reaction to her meds which caused excessive gum growth so the shelter decided she needed all of her incisors pulled. At that point she’d been with us for over a year and was fully integrated with our two cats. We decided that maybe this was her forever home and hoped that we could better manage her care by working directly with our vet instead of coordinating through the shelter.
Wrapping our heads around her now having FIP is rough - but we’re going to do everything we can to help her through it and are hopeful she’ll recover. Poor kid deserves a win…
What’s FIP?
Feline infectious peritonitis. Usually treated with remdesevir, which is a backup drug treatment for covid.
I hope you’re able to access treatment and a full recovery.
Sad news, but perhaps not as sad as you think. My baby was diagnosed about 6 years ago and is happy and healthy as ever. I hope yours has such luck.
Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better soon.
Looks just like my lil man, I hope the treatment goes well, my cat would never forgive me if I didn’t ask, please scratch right on the outside of both of your kitties ears at the same time
Done - and very well received. She’s at the vet today so I let them in on it ;)
Nice, the ol double up strat is working for her