Haha that’s fair
Haha that’s fair
Married het cis male. Wife is absolutely bent out of shape due to our states bull shit abortion ban and with Trump being in office again. We had been talking about a second kiddo… But she told me that she wanted me to get a vasectomy Monday morning at 8am. She’s not leaving her life in the hands of old dudes.
So… I’m going to schedule it for inauguration day .
Other than that… okay. Tho… I did buy another carry gun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: voted Dem all the way down ballot.
Also do you might look into a sleep study. Could be that you’re snoring or clinching your jaw which is impacting your sleep.
Vitamin d helps with sleep. When I worked 3rds. If I didn’t take it… I would wake up after 4 hours…
100% this
That app probably
Exactly why I won’t be on a distro if it doesn’t support kde.
I’ve been all over I’m on arch currently for the first time. It was nice using my PC and having to install the thing I wanted.
It was a good change.
I came from kde neon because I enjoy apt… but yay and pacman work currently so I’ll stick with it for a bit.
My fingers still hurt because of these batteries.
He’s a Trumpian style candidate
*Some talking head in the future
We will never be rid of this style of ass hat.
Pihole will log DNS requests. The requests come.from the TV. So when it pops up, Block it.
I like the group audiomachine - they do instrumental music for trailers and commercials. I also listen to: Lindsay Sterling Dallas string quartet Vitamin string quartet And dragon force. Lol
Dragon forces music is so fast it’s practically instrumental to me.
I also listen to the instrumentals of within temptation.
Worked in the docudrama “the Flintstones”
Got Jurassic Park in 4k on my Plex server.
Looks absolutely amazing still.
JLH was unbelievably hot in that movie. that blue shirt and skirt. Whew.
Hit me right in the late teens.
But see you’re thinking about it the wrong way… Every one of those pirated copies is 100% a potential sale lost.
Won’t you think of the shareholders?
Looks like it’s print on demand so they aren’t paying to house a large warehouse of stock.
My wife who is a huge Minecraft fan has been playing stardew valley with me.
She also loves the portal 2 coop
It’s a visio.
Literally the cheapest 32inch TV that best buy had.
It’s absolutely unusable with the ads disabled.
Horrific television.
Pihole on your network… And block Internet access to the TV…
Tho… a while back the wife and I bought a dirt cheap 32 inch TV from bestbuy… it will literally turn itself on to deliver an advertisement if you power it off while in an app. (Skipping the home page)
Pihole crashes it.
We bought it for watching football outside so it’s unplugged for the majority of the year… but that’s still absolutely unacceptable. Imho
Go far enough left… You get your guns back.
Liberal gun owners sub on reddit used to be decent.