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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • all of the words you listed that use a soft g are loanwords from other languages (pretty sure they’re all french) soooo…yeah. no wonder those have different pronunciation.

    when you look at anglo-saxon words the difference becomes clear:

    • gift
    • graveyard
    • ground
    • gay

    all hard g’s.

    mixing up languages is the common denominator here.

    the G in GIF stands for graphical, neither english nor french in origin, hence the confusion about pronunciation.

    alternatively; English is a terrible mess, and the only “correct” pronunciation is reached through general consensus. if the majority pronounces something a certain way, that’s how it should be pronounced.

  • you don’t have a choice when it comes to data collection:

    if it’s allowed literally every manufacturer WILL do it!

    see: the exact situation we’re currently in!!

    so, no, you don’t have a choice (other than buying an older model).

    this isn’t how “the market” does anything.

    there’s no downside to outlawing spyware in cars.

    and it hasn’t made anything cheaper, what the hell kind of cope is that??

  • i absolutely love it when it’s paired with manual transmission and an auto-break function:

    when you stop, for example at a red light, and press the break while standing still for a bit, it goes into auto-break mode.

    when you then release the clutch while in gear (neutral gets ignored), it automatically releases the hand break, so you can perform a hand break assisted start from standstill without having to touch the actual hand break!

    this is excellent when you’ve stopped at an incline, and generally really useful!

    but i get the skepticism…i was extremely skeptical at first too, but you get used to it quickly and then it feels weird when it’s missing or turned off in another car… there’s just no reason not to use this feature it’s simply great!

  • because barely anyone even knows about HUDs, since there are barely any vehicles in the “won’t cost you both kidneys” price segment with HUDs in them…

    …but yes, they really should be in every car. it’s just a no-brainer for safety, for the exact reason you said: simply having your speed right in your field of view alone is worth it!

  • the TSA is not “not perfect”; they’re a joke.

    it’s pure theater. they have basically no ability to detect actual weapons at all, hence why it’s a common problem when passengers arrive abroad only to find out they accidentally carried loose ammunition across borders.

    there’s a huge difference between “not quite perfect” and “completely and utterly useless waste of time, money, and resources”, the latter of which describes the TSA.

    IF they actually did anything useful at all, then fine, you have a point. but they don’t, which is why people are disagreeing with you.

    because in principle you’re right, that security is required and should be taken seriously…but the TSA isn’t actually providing security. they’re providing the appearance of security.

  • this is not true.

    it entirely depends on the specific application.

    there is no OS-level, standardized, dynamic allocation of RAM (definitely not on windows, i assume it’s the same for OSX).

    this is because most programming languages handle RAM allocation within the individual program, so the OS can’t allocate RAM however it wants.

    the OS could put processes to “sleep”, but that’s basically just the previously mentioned swap memory and leads to HD degradation and poor performance/hiccups, which is why it’s not used much…

    so, no.

    RAM is usually NOT dynamically allocated by the OS.

    it CAN be dynamically allocated by individual programs, IF they are written in a way that supports dynamic allocation of RAM, which some languages do well, others not so much…

    it’s certainly not universally true.

    also, what you describe when saying:

    Any modern OS will allocate RAM as necessary. If another application needs, it will allocate some to it.

    …is literally swap. that’s exactly what the previous user said.

    and swap is not the same as “allocating RAM when a program needs it”, instead it’s the OS going “oh shit! I’m out of RAM and need more NOW, or I’m going to crash! better be safe and steal some memory from disk!”

    what happens is:

    the OS runs out of RAM and needs more, so it marks a portion of the next best HD as swap-RAM and starts using that instead.

    HDs are not built for this use case, so whichever processes use the swap space become slooooooow and responsiveness suffers greatly.

    on top of that, memory of any kind is built for a certain amount of read/write operations. this is also considered the “lifespan” of a memory component.

    RAM is built for a LOT of (very fast) R/W operations.

    hard drives are NOT built for that.

    RAM has at least an order of magnitude more R/W ops going on than a hard drive, so when a computer uses swap excessively, instead of as very last resort as intended, it leads to a vastly shortened lifespan of the disk.

    for an example of a VERY stupid, VERY poor implementation of this behavior, look up the apple M1’s rapid SSD degradation.

    short summary:

    apple only put 8GB of RAM into the first gen M1’s, which made the OS use swap memory almost continuously, which wore out the hard drive MUCH faster than expected.

    …and since the HD is soldered onto the Mainboard, that completely bricks the device in about half a year/year, depending on usage.

    TL;DR: you’re categorically and objectively wrong about this. sorry :/

    hope you found this explanation helpful tho!

  • ???


    • lots of land
    • feed (which requires a LOT of land)
    • massive amounts of water
    • insane amounts of antibiotics and assorted other medicine
    • stupid amounts of electricity
    • etc.

    raising cattle on a commercial scale requires mind boggling resources!

    every single study on environmental impacts of food production lists beef as the number 1 worst food source in terms of environmental impacts period.

    “Raising cattle doesn’t require anything.” - yeah, in fantasy land.

  • not necessarily, but it can be a good idea to have a distributed, tamper proof ledger of transactions.

    that way anyone can provide proof for basically anything to do with the service: payment, drive, location, etc.

    it might also have advantages from a security perspective for riders and drivers.

    there are advantages, they’re not entirely necessary, but they may well be the best option for a distributed network (i.e.: no central server infrastructure, at least not beyond some simple software repository for downloads/updates)

  • Meaning what?

    meaning the models training data is what lets you work around or improve on that bias. without the training data, that’s (borderline) impossible. so in order to tweak models and further development, you need to know what exactly went into the model, or you’ll spend a lot of wasted time guessing around.

    I omitted requirements on freely sharing it as implied, but otherwise?

    you disregarded half of what makes an AI model. the half that actually results in a working model. without the training data, you’d only have some code that does…something.

    and that something is entirely dependent on the training data!

    so it’s essential, not optional, for any kind of “open source” AI, because without it you’re working with a black box. which is by definition NOT open source.

  • all models carry bias (see recent gemini headlines for an extreme example), and what exactly those are can range from important to extremely important, depending on the use case!

    it’s also important if you want to iterate on a model: if you use the same data set and train the model slightly differently, you could end up with entirely different models!

    these are just 2 examples, there’s many more.

    also, you are thinking of LLMs, which is just one kind of model. this legislation applies to all AI models, not just LLMs!

    (and your definition of open source is…unique.)