There for a minute when Dyson Sphere Program first went into open pre-release, something was wrong with their save file compression, and very quickly people were reporting multiple GB saves.
There for a minute when Dyson Sphere Program first went into open pre-release, something was wrong with their save file compression, and very quickly people were reporting multiple GB saves.
I’m catching a ride with Tim Curry
But is it an indicted ham sandwich?
Trump lost. Voter suppression won. He knows it, and can’t deal with being a three time loser
China #4!
You’re/they’re just paraphrasing Chaucer
Not in the outside, but the rear releases are hidden in the door well under a vanity mat
Sounds like you have exactly the type of experience needed to get elected as the AFGE president. I believe you said there was an opening?
Putin’s and Xi’s concerns do, mostly.
TIL Will Ferrell was trying to look like the lead singer of Prodigy, with his character in Zoolander.
Cathode Ray Tubes were just the best solution for the time. We got more efficient later.
They love using that flag. Send them to Liberia since they stan for it so much
“We named the dog Indiana!”
Henry Jones Sr.
Raiders of the Lost Ark
B-2 then not B-12. You want riboflavin. I always mix those two up.
I understood what you were saying. I get the technicality. I was venting that the technicality is bullshit when there is already a precedent that kinda says the opposite.
Ok, that’s some bullshit, because they have ruled that causing a panic is illegal. Schenck v. United States, 1919.
The law is fucking imaginary.
Shove 500-1000 mg of vitamin B-2 down the kids throat every day. In less than a week, they’ll stop getting bitten at all.
You need a fiduciary. Mine handles things like this, and gives me a yearly update on what I’m invested in. The two investment strategies I have her employing are primarily investments that help transition society to an ebviromentally sustainable model, and businesses that will have to clean up disasters waiting to happen.