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Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I fucking wish every state could. Texas law makes it pretty much impossible to get abortion access on the ballot. Abbott and crew knew exactly what they were kicking off when they signed their “heartbeat bill” pre RvW reversal. They knew they were laying thw groundwork to turn women into brood mares.

    Our ballot initiatives need to come from our legislature itself, and then the voters get to say “Yeah I like that”, or “Nah not about it”.

    “For Texans to gain a direct say in changing these policies, the GOP-run Texas Legislature would need to pass a proposed constitutional amendment, which voters would then need to approve. (This yay-or-nay procedure is the only statewide policy-making power that regular Texans currently enjoy; voters weighed in on 14 such proposals from the Legislature Tuesday). One reason the Lege doesn’t want to give voters the initiative is fairly obvious: It would mean relinquishing some power—and giving interest groups a way to pass laws without lining elected officials’ pockets.”


  • As someone currently serving, it fucking boggles my mind that anyone who has ever served could be in favor of the Republican party. Even without Project 2025 threatening veteran benefits.

    So many of us have been to actual locations where the Church has a stranglehold on the government/is the government. My husband has stories from Afghanistan. I went to Qatar, which, is a “progressive” middle eastern country. I could wear tshirts and knee length shorts, but I was also not allowed to ride in an elevator with the opposite sex, and I was heavily questioned when I tried to buy cigarettes until a male coworker intervened and assured that I could. Not to mention the FUCKING INSANE wealth disparity. Palaces gilded in gold for the government/rich/churches and literal shacks made out of whatever material could be cobbled together in the rural areas outside of Doha.

    Why the fuck would anyone who has seen that first hand want to support anything that could even remotely resemble a world like that?

  • Wuthering Waves is Hella good. Technically it’s an open world gacha game, but I played through all the storyline (the developers will be forever updating the story a la Genshin Impact), and I never spent a dime on it.

    Also, I have spent money on Cooking Diary. However, I went about 3 months of daily play before I did, and it was more about me being impatient/telling myself “You got 3 months of daily play, you can drop the devs $4.99”. I’ve played that game just about daily since Memorial Day 2023, and I’ve dropped $5.00 quarterly. There are regularly moments of infinite lives that exceed an hour or two, that it genuinely isn’t necessary. I spend the money more as a “thanks for not making this ducking game contingent on microtransactions, making it good, and maintaining/update it.”

  • Ughhhhhh how the hell does he have a 46% approval rating?!?!? Texans really don’t care that he left them to die in the snow.

    I’m going to continue to remain optimistic…Allred did flip a historically red district blue and he’s retained control since.

    But JFC every time I start to have hope for this state, they do something that really makes me wanna throw my hands up and be like “You wanna live in unfettered Christian Nationalism? Fine. Fuck you then and you get what you want.” 😮‍💨

  • I’m actually about to get ICL surgery to correct mine in July @ 35 years old. Pretty stoked to not have to use glasses anymore. Though from what I’ve been told, it will make those of us who get ICLs more susceptible to early cataracts (like 60 years old or so versus 75, as we all will eventually get cataracts if we live long enough), and I’ll need a second surgery at that point for better lenses. But if I’m going to eventually need that surgery anyway to remove a cataract, then what’s it matter?

  • So, I do brush my teeth at least daily (I shoot for twice, but I’m not going to pretend that always happens), and I’ve recently started flossing once daily (recently as in, it was my New Years resolution).

    I’ve only had cavities twice in my life - once when I spent 2 years living in Okinawa, and once when I got back from a deployment where we were advised to only drink bottled water.

    No other adjustments to my routine. The only thing I can chalk it up to is the lack of fluoride in both instances. And like I said, I’m not someone who takes immaculate care of my teeth.

    Edit: Purely anecdotal experience, obviously, I just really couldn’t come up with an alternative answer 🤷‍♀️

  • Bro, honestly, you shouldn’t let a few people arguing about a meme online stop you from respecting the women who are actually in your life.

    Door holding for the people behind you is respectful no matter if they’re a man or a woman. I think most people hold the door if they’re paying attention.

    But stopping a conversation from going off the rails in a sexist/derogatory manner? Bruh you could be the difference in one woman’s life from her feeling the full relatability to this meme.

  • Worse than that. They just don’t care. My mother is a HUGE Conservative, and she had an abortion back in the 80s right before she got pregnant with me. When I confronted her about it, she said: “Well, there are more options more widely available for women who want to avoid pregnancy today than there were back then.”

    And I asked about women who work pay check to pay check and can’t really afford a $50 OTC Plan B pill whenever they want to have sex, and she said “Well, they better afford it. It’s cheaper than going to get an abortion even where it is legal!” 😮‍💨