Even wearing super cyclical goggles, it doesn’t make sense for reddit to intervene here. Twitter is a competitor, why would they want to encourage people to link to a competitor?
Even wearing super cyclical goggles, it doesn’t make sense for reddit to intervene here. Twitter is a competitor, why would they want to encourage people to link to a competitor?
Decent privacy focused messaging app isn’t difficult. Signal and Telegram are the biggest ones.
Convincing people to join it is the hard part. There’s no shortcut there.
Alright, let’s run a quick pacman -Syu to get everything squared up before I start this time- critical task.
…oh fuck
You don’t have to think sex is bad to think porn is bad for children and teens.
This Texas law and others like it are bullshit, but making strawman arguments about them isn’t helping anything.
The troubled teen industry is a fucked up place.
Elan.school is a great story of one of those awful places.
Those weren’t the original lyrics, though. Axl changed them before the song was recorded (good move, though)
Comment section tries not to blame Biden for actions taken by the judicial branch, with judges appointed by Bush and Trump. Difficulty: Impossible.
Yes, portainer will see every container you make, regardless of how it was created.
No, creating a docker container doesn’t make a compose file. It’s like cooking a meal doesn’t output a recipe.
You can save the compose file(s) wherever you want, you just need to run “docker compose up” from that directory. If you make the container within portainer, I believe it stores the compose files in its own volume. Not sure about that, I keep my compose file separate from portainer for most services.
I had this character in mind for years and finally took him for a spin a little bit ago.
(Half)-orc slaver/taskmaster. Bard who cracks a whip as his instrument, shouting orders to the party while casting buff spells.
“Murkub shoves the barbarian towards the enemies and yells ‘get in there, you coward’, casting Heroism with the touch.”
Thinks he’s the party leader, but has 8 INT and almost always has to rely on his “thralls” (the rest of the party) to figure out what to do next. My way of playing such a domineering character without actually taking over the whole table’s fun.
-My character’s introduction to the other characters, and also his first words to the boss at the end of the dungeon (casting confusion with the monologue)
Sure, but that’s 4 presses on 3 buttons. I can press the same button 4 times much faster.
Over the course of a lifetime, we’re taking double, maybe TRIPLE DIGIT seconds saved!
+30s +30s +30s +30s
My microwave doesn’t have speed cook, so this is the fastest way to get 2m on the clock
“The worst time in 2007” would’ve been the peak before the bottom fell out in 2008.
The bottom is the second best time to invest, after “every 2 weeks when I get my paycheck, regardless of the noise in finance media”
Dude’s name is Jesse Welles, he had a couple albums out and posts new videos like this constantly on social media and YouTube. And he’s fast to write songs about the current goings-on.
Best new artist of 2024 IMO (he’s had a couple bands that were moderately successful indie outfits, but never had the kind of reach he’s getting now)
See 2 comments ago. Nobody except the ultra rich could afford to go into business if it meant risking all of their personal assets.
And like already mentioned: it’s not less liability, it’s separate liability. Misconduct as a business (which may not even be the owner’s fault, it could be an employee’s) can risk all of the business assets, but not personal assets owned outside the business.
Because the line does need to be drawn somewhere. You can’t just go out, cause harm to someone, and then claim “Oh, that harm was done by my company, not me personally. Incidentally, my company only has like $20 in assets for you to recover.”
The paperwork also doesn’t entirely grant you the limited liability. You need to actually operate the company as a separate entity from yourself. If you “piece the veil” between individual and company, you may not be able to claim limited liability in court.
Because if we didn’t have such protections, the ONLY people who could ever afford to go into business are the already-super-wealthy.
Nobody would ever open a small business if it meant risking the roof over their childrens’ head.
That would be FMLA
RIP Defect 😭
I’m with you about not anthropomorphizing faceless companies as the bad actors here, but also I really doubt the CEO was the one who enacted this decision. It probably came from some middle manger who clicked “yes” on some report they didn’t actually read.
This is my experience playing with FreeBSD.
“These ports are cool, I can compile all the software from source so I know exactly what I’m getting!”
[This software has 100 dependencies]
“Well I’m not reading all that, I’ll just click Yes for all”