Tech Dude // Linux Infrastructure Admin // Automation Nut // Privacy Advocate


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I am in no way trying to downplay the hurt and pain something like that causes. As a dude, I don’t think I can ever really be able to know what that feels like, but I can recognize it and empathize with it. No one deserves to go through and live with something like that. It totally sucks, I agree.

    However, what exactly is destroying another child’s life going to solve? Is it going to make that child stop doing the thing they were punished for? Maybe, but the US recidivism rates beg to differ (44% within the first year). So what then? Is it just to make us feel good, being happy to watch another person get hurt, justified by this made up concept of ‘justice’? That’s the more likely answer, IMO.

    There are much more constructive ways to prevent this from happening again that doesn’t require marking a child as an “undesirable” for the rest of their life. I can’t necessarily point to what that might look like, maybe enforced counseling to try and teach someone like that why what they did caused so much harm.

    Ultimately, what I am trying to say is that someone like this should be held accountable for their actions, but enforcing suffering from the state is not an effective or moral way to do it.

  • I dont really think its a “boys will be boys” issue, and more that i dont think any child deserves to have their entire life ruined for something so early in their life. While i dont disagree that its very tramatic for the girls, and it is a really fucked up thing to do that should have no excuses for being acceptable, i feel there are better ways to tackle this issue than marking a 14 year old as a sexual predator or throwing them in jail barring them from a large portion of jobs, housing, etc. for the rest of their life.

    But to be clear, i am a prison abolitionist in general, so take that as you will.

  • Ads like this really arent all that scumny my dude, i mean at least IMO lol.

    You gotta pay the creator to use the app. Sync isnt free, You either pay with ads, or you pay with your buckaroos. Thats just how it works. And its pretty transparent. No trying to dupe you, hes not secretly selling your data (at least as far as i know). Either view ads so he gets paid, or pay him directly. I dont see anything wrong with this business model. The issue i have with ads is the intrusiveness of them, or the stealth of them. Reddits ads are scummy because they look like reddit posts, thats not cool.

    Implementing ads after getting a user base (like in your example) is different because they are changing the model. If i were to join an instance that started off with ads, id be less miffed because if i like it enough i can stay and view ads / pay, or i would move to a different instance. I wouldnt call it scummy. I would understand that they gotta pay bills to keep that server on, and thats how they decided to do it.

    For what its worth, i am a FOSS guy all the way, and take all opportunity to block ads. But im also willing to pay for software that i think deserves it. I donate to my lemmy instance, and have paid for Sync Ultra, because they are both great and the maintainers deserve to get paid :)