Don’t connect to internet, Shift f10 to bring up command prompt, oobe/bypassnro, wait for restart, click I don’t have internet, make local account. Did it today.
Don’t connect to internet, Shift f10 to bring up command prompt, oobe/bypassnro, wait for restart, click I don’t have internet, make local account. Did it today.
Mr. Rogers would be proud. :)
Windows 10 eol is Oct. 14, 2025. 18 more months.
I pronounce it like a Spanish word in my head. Man-haro.
I’m glad you can still trust Noone. Whoever they are.
Yeah, I watched a couple of his review videos years ago and then more started popping up on my feed. I’d occasionally click on one and everytime I did more red flags would appear. Mention of weapons? Well he is on a ranch. Wait, that’s not a ranch. Homesteader? Huh. Vaguely concealed racist, anti-Obama dogwhistle. Gotcha, blocked.
That last cold front was a bitch. It was 12F (-11C) when I left the house today, yesterday the high was 32F (0C) and tomorrow it’s going to be 72F (22C)
No precipitation to speak of so it wasn’t that bad. Nothing really closed down and the roads were good. Supposed to be 72 degrees (22c) tomorrow, thank fuck.
I’ve always wondered why they string random letters together. What does Amazon make the sellers do?
I think it was Technology Connections that did a video on French door fridges. One major problem with them (among the countless others) is airflow. Refrigerators have one refrigeration unit for both the fridge and freezer. The air is cooled in the freezer and moved to the less cool fridge. Cool air is denser than warmer air so it falls. Conventional fridges (freezer on top) were designed that way on purpose. When the freezer is on bottom you add levels of complexity and work against what has already been proven effective. That’s not a problem, per se, because humans are ingenious. But in order to compete with traditional fridges these companies have to do this at the mercy of the lowest bidder.
Those are the ones I would attack too. I’d also like to send a shout out to the 5 corroded ones on the right.
Texas. Also I saw a beautiful sunrise this morning and I hope you see something equally as beautiful today.
Skip Best Buy and those guys. Find a local mom and pop repair place. They can likely use and resell some of it and are more likely to actually recycle the rest.
The Princess Bride is the best movie adaptation I can think of off the top of my head. I fact, I’d argue that it was better than the book.
At best that’s a myth, at worst it’s whitewashed history to hide a genocide. The Lenape didn’t have a concept of land ownership, they didn’t believe a person could own the earth, so they couldn’t have had anything to sell.
He’s not. Obama is 6’2" and you easily Google pictures of Trump and Obama standing side by side.
Hotmail is literally