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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • There’s literally no information available to state she is intersex. This was put forward last year without any evidence by the IBA, run by a Russian puppet, 3 days after she defeated a Russian boxer. This federation had been under scrutiny since 2019 exactly because of corruption.

    I’m all for being careful when talking about this and I’m not ascribing ill intent towards you. Just try to not repeat this base less propaganda that she’s intersex, has xy chromosomes or something.

    Personally I find this entire thing seems to be now supported and kept alive by people and organisations who want women to look and act a certain way, and any woman who deviates is not considered a real woman. And since I personally train a combat sport, and most of my women friends who compete also look strong, muscled and often like shaving at least parts of their hair off, they tend to look similar to Khelif. It’d be ridiculous to question if they are women, most of them already have kids fcol.

  • Command line stuff on Windows (server) is in a pretty decent state now, imo. It’s not perfect but more and more is manageable with powershell. It took some time to really grok that you’re basically always working with objects but I’m a big fan and now quite dislike having to deal with just “text” output when I do something in Linux. (Probably also because I need to do a lot less in it so I’m not used to it as much)

    Personally again I also like the naming scheme much more than how it’s done in bash. If I need to do something I don’t know I can search the command by using logical words. E.g. I want to change the properties of a service but don’t know the command by heart I can use

    Get-Command service

    And I’ll get a list of all commands that contain the word service.

    When it comes to admin privileges you simply have the privileges of the account you used to start the session, which has its’ own dangers I suppose since it requires you to maintain account hygiene yourself.

  • While I don’t think this in particular would cause people or businesses to switch away from Windows, more and more applications work from browsers so they depend less and less on apps you can install. ( Where I work we already put many people on M365 basic because they do just fine with accessing their mail and spreadsheets from the browser. No point in paying extra for options they’ll never need)

  • Yeah, I don’t doubt it. Still would have preferred if it wouldn’t have been turned on by default. (While recognizing I’m probably in the minority about that globally)

    It’s a first world problem but I seriously dislike how random everything with language(and region) settings is. Half the time they follow my system defaults (UK English and Belgian datetime notation), 25% of the time the region settings are ignored and time is displayed weird and backwards with month first and the 12 hour format(MS is really bad with that). And the rest of the time bad geolocalisation people think everyone in Belgium speaks French even when that’s a minority language. So Firefox piling up on that with an unwanted request to translate languages I speak fluently is just annoying when I boot up my pc.

  • I am a blonde blue eyed man who loves martial arts. Many, many people I train with are pretty open in their racism around me as long as there’s only white people around. In larger groups they make no secret of their conspiracy beliefs. And they’re constantly going to defense camps, survival camps, masculinity camps.

    They follow and idolize both the US fascists like Trump, Desantis, JP. And their local versions who organise these kinds of camps (look up Dries Van langenhove).

    It’s not the blood and honour kind of Nazism, so perhaps not accurate for this article, but they genuinely believe he was right.