The real deal y0

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Oh sweet summer child. Capcom is on a very sharp edge imo.
    Their games are solid, but everything around it is utter god damn dogshit.
    Sf5? Beta was very solid, was fucked up before release. Also had a terrible microtransactions system.
    Sf6? Very very solid base game, but to get all character and stages since last year + the game you have to pay +160 euro.
    Re4? Very solid remake, but prepare to loose performance on pc due to dunovo despite it being a single player game.
    Re: the village? Very solid game, but better pay shit up and also loose performance despite ALSO being a single player game.
    Megaman: mega who?
    Monster hunter : safe, for now. Monster hunter wilds looks amazing and loads of fun, but watch them fuck it up somehow…

    I like capcom a lot, have always supported them despite shit decisions and a few near bankruptcies but its the microtransactions/usage of dunovo and other weird ass decisions is making me hold back on buying their stuff atm…

  • Right, so basically things that decent skills would also get you?
    Also, if you feel being aggressive doesnt help you, you start playing defensively and thats when you can strike back. Cheats or not, it still has to attack and is still stuck on the frame limits of the move right? Thats when you can strike back, no?

    Im not saying cheating isnt bad, and im not saying its not annoying either, but in general fighters are different and they are completely skill based unless the cheater changes things that the other can never do.
    In hindsight, pretty sure ive fought cheaters back in the day in sf4 before, but that was never that bad because i still had options to fight them back…

  • Imo open source doesnt explicitly mean “you can build it yourself”
    What it does stand for is that incase of issues it can be looked at and resolved. Be it finding the broken component, or looking at the designs and reporting the fault. Both of which improve the thing that is open sourced.
    As an example : the framework laptop. Its partly open source, so in case of issues i could bring it to a repairshop which then can easily look at the designs, and figure the fault.
    Or what i did with my home server sbc : get the schematics, figure out a manufactoring fault ( cracked solder on pci lane ), fix it and report it to the manufacturer ( which then investigated if it was a one off or if a solder type change was needed ).