I know there are some out there who legitimately believe in the witchcraft they’re performing, spells they cast, crystals, etc., but for me, I do practice wicca, but it’s less about thinking that I’m having a physical effect on the world and more of a way to almost meditate and for sure a way to connect to my spiritual side.
Even though I know that me performing a ritual to bring a friend some good luck or something won’t actually do anything in the real world, it puts me in a space where I can reflect on my friend and what they mean to me, for example.
It certainly can be a bit silly, but many of us practice because we like the state of being and state of mind it can put us into, vs truly believing we’re performing magic.
As someone who loves RPGs and Star Wars, it took me about 10 attempts to actually get more than an hour into the game before turning it off. It’s just that dated. I did eventually power through the first few hours and then the non-aged moments (story and writing) became good enough for me to stick around. I can definitely see how most people wouldn’t want to play it for the first time at this point though.