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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2024


  • Because no one actually knows. Studies or trends are done by crusaders for or against a certain food because they noticed for themselves it has some neg impact.

    There are not enough actual studies on food or even healthcare. There was like 1 decent study for example on keto diet for athletes. Results weren’t valid for most people as they only looked at athletic results and how the athletes felt. Not the health impact for gen pop.

    Healthcare is the same. I’ve lived my entire life following various medical advice due to medical issue. Recently that advice has changed. And I’m fkin pissed cuz after 40 fkin years I am finally pain free.

    And I haven’t even touched the topic of both food and healthcare for women, poc, differing body-/lifestyle types.

    Only thing I can agree on: consume less sugar and sauces. Sure my opinion is anecdotal, but everyone I know that has cut those 2 has seen great results.

  • Idealists and reality. Natural opposites.

    Renewables are unreliable. That’s a fact. Yes you have moments, days even weeks where they can deliver what is currently required. In total output. Not yet in delivers when you actually need it output.

    Sure you can have 100% renewable generation for a 24hr period, but if your generation is during the day and your usage is spread into the night, you’re not really covering your needs, no matter how good it looks on paper.

    It is also your current usage. Now do the math and replace all fossil fuel usage with electric alternatives. Cars, buses, trucks, heating, cooking, etc. Now calculate just how much more renewables you need to cover all that in ideal circumstances.

    Now do the same for windless winter days.

    If we’re going to step away from fossil fuels entirely, you’re going to have to accept nuclear as an option. Thinking we’ll manage only with renewables is a dream. While you dream, we’re burning fossil fuels non-stop. Cuz that’s reality.

    You can have renewables with nuclear, or renewables with fossil fuels. You’re actively choosing renewables with fossil fuels.