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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Ill add. My now passed grandfather raised me.

    He was a pacifist durimg the second world war. He and many were forced to mine resorces. As they refused to fight. As he was an engineer he was eventually reasigned to other work. Aircraft instrament manufacture at smiths.

    But at no point did he think the UK should just allow germany to take over.

    He just knew he was not able to fight himself. This was a commonf feeling among those conscripted during the second world war. And will always be a risk whe. A mation needs to defend itself from agressors.

    Not all of a nations people are best suited to fight.

  • Honestly. I assume if they vocally announced an policy. They worried the tories and media would successfully paint it as anti semitic.

    No matter how rubbish that may be. It would be hard to garrentee the media could not manage it. More so after corbyn.

    They likely considered no opinion to be less controversial and risky to the election then taking a side openly.

    Not sure id have agreed if asked at the time. But hard to argue now.

  • Not sure about biological reasons. Its possible I spose but without more medical knowledge. In not sure how removing / changing organs as they grow developmentally effects the final outcome.

    The argument has always been about the maturity of the candidate. And the idea that surgery is not practically reversible. Vs the mental harm of growing up in a body that dose not match your perceived gender.

    But I have to wonder. As In the UK and I am sure the US hormone blockers are also being attacked with often questionable medical evidence as to the harm the may do when used on developing teenagers.

    Given In the UK it is definatly not legal for anyone under the age of consent to have gender reasignment surgery. The current attacks seem to be aimed at making it impossible for that surgery to achive its best success once it is legal.