Well this was kinda my opinion going in, so I wanted a different perspective lol.
Well this was kinda my opinion going in, so I wanted a different perspective lol.
I see. So there is supposed to be an authoritarian state in the transitionary period, is what you are saying?
Interesting, I was under the impression the real life forms had just failed; one group got into power and just said “naw” and then stayed in that authoritarian ‘state.’
This person is almost selfdesctructive and just wants to argue, take a look at their comment history. They don’t realize they are actually pushing people away from being sympathetic to Palestinians by being this impetulent person who consistently argues in bad faith. You see them all over lemmy.
Highly recommend using cream installer or some other dlc grabber, I think it runs for like $500 if you buy all the dlc.
My incistance on buying the cheap eggs finally pays off.
New PC, new chain and sprocket for my moto, or pay down some debt would be nice, ain’t gonna happen tho lol.
So is that ‘sell my data’ free? Or ‘get you hooked on the product and then add a subscription a year later’ free?
This doesn’t really answer any of my questions, only raises more. Unless of course he is making the point that an authoritarian government is the “saving up for the house” but it’s clear with his next statements in the interview, that’s not the case.