Formerly /u/neoKushan on reddit

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I think you’re missing the point here. You’re claiming Google only pays Mozilla to have a competitor, yet they also pay apple even more money for the same thing in an area they’re just competing.

    The point is that there is competition in the default browser search space, it’s just that Google pays more than anyone else.

    If Google stopped paying Mozilla tomorrow, someone else would pay them for the same default search engine spot. It might not be as much, but it would still be a significant amount.

    A few years ago it was Yahoo that footed the bill.

  • Kushan@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMozilla leadership.
    1 day ago

    As much as I’m happy to criticise Mozilla and its leadership, this graph is misleading.

    Firefox is not the only thing Mozilla does, not should the market share of the browser be the sole metric the leadership is measured by.

    Overlay the revenue and profit (or whatever revenue minus expenses is called for a nonprofit), then decide if the CEO is overpaid.

  • Kushan@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMozilla is a sinking ship.
    1 day ago

    Google pays to keep it’s monopoly on search


    Google pays literally tens of billions to make sure they’re the default search engine across everything - including the likes of iOS.

    Why is it that when Google pays Apple hundreds of millions of dollars, it’s because they’re enforcing their search monopoly, but when they pay Mozilla a fraction of that, it’s because Mozilla would have no way of staying afloat otherwise?

    Why is Google paying apple so much if nobody else could afford it?

    Make it make sense.

  • Kushan@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMozilla is a sinking ship.
    1 day ago

    Browsers are profitable, Mozilla only exists because of the money the browser brings in.

    Yes, it’s true that the money is currently coming from Google but only because Google is willing to pay more than other search providers. If Google stopped paying, someone else would pay instead.

    To put it another way, Google isn’t forking out millions to Mozilla out of the goodness of its heart

    EDIT: to everyone down voting this, please explain to me why Google also pays Apple an obscene amount of money to be the default search engine on iOS if there’s no competition in this space?

  • Kushan@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMozilla is a sinking ship.
    1 day ago

    Mozilla has been a sinking ship for decades now.

    There’s a reason Chrome was able to steal the alt browser market from Mozilla at a time when even laymen understood that IE was awful - Mozilla stopped innovating the second they were winning. They had tabs! What more could you want?

    Chrome came along at a time when browser performance wasn’t a focus, when JavaScript meant websites were slow, and said “fuck that, let’s make it fast”. Say what you will about Chrome or JS, Google was on to something and the modern web today is 95% thanks to Chrome pushing things forward.

    Everyone jumped to Chrome and Mozilla fucked around for literally years before they got the memo that actually browser performance matters. They were once the best browser tools on the market until once again Chrome pushed the envelope, and once again developers switched while Mozilla sat back and did nothing.

    Mozilla meandered back and forth, releasing shitty products nobody wanted (like pocket and send) instead of focusing on the most important thing: the browser.

    Yet they’re somehow still here, hobbling along, doing fuck knows what instead of making a better browser and innovating to beat Chrome.

  • Yup after first seeing this video we switched to powder - which was harder to find than I expected as everywhere sells tablets these days, but the difference was stark. My dishwasher doesn’t even have a prewash compartment but I just sprinkle some powder in the door chamber and that works well enough.

    Since this I rarely have any issues with dirty dishes. The only problem I have is occasionally glasses will get covered with baked on dirt particulate, but I’m assuming that’s just my dishwasher being crap (I always clear out the filter between washes).

  • This actually is an improvement. Not everyone wants to be on camera and for those folks, getting pushed off to the sidebar often means they’re overlooked.

    This at least means they’re given the same importance as anyone else.

    No idea what the rant about presentations is about, when anyone presents it becomes the main content and everyone - camera or not - gets pushed to the sidebar. You can also pop out presentation content to give it it’s own dedicated window.

    I hate teams as a communication platform, but the presentation and meeting views are actually pretty well done compared to the competition.

  • Because the time to learn a new operating system is more than I have to spare. I’m approaching middle aged, windows is familiar and I just want to kick back and enjoy my games.

    Linux hasn’t reached drop-in replacement on the desktop yet. The steam deck is fantastic and I have no problems running it stock, but desktop Linux? Nah. Why would I dual boot when I can stick to one OS that does what I want and need.

    (Side note: I run Linux on my server and am quite happy with it).