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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • I was also with a provider that didn’t offer API access for the longest time. When they then increased prices, I switched, now paying a third of their asking price per year at a very good provider.

    I guess migrating is difficult if the provider doesn’t offer a mechanism to either dump the DNS to a file or perform a zone transfer (the later being part of the standard).

    Can only recommend INWX for domains, though my personal requirements aren’t the highest.

  • Also wildcard certificates are more difficult to do automated with let’s encrypt.

    They are trivial with a non-garbage domain provider.

    If you want EV certificates (where the cert company actually calls you up and verifies you’re the company you claim to be) you also need to go the paid route

    The process however isn’t as secure as one might think: https://cyberscoop.com/easy-fake-extended-validation-certificates-research-shows/

    In my experience trustworthyness of certs is not an issue with LE. I sometimes check websites certs and of I see they’re LE I’m more like “Good for them”

    Basically, am LE cert says “we were able to verify that the operator of this service you’re attempting to use controls (parts of) the domain it claims to be part of”. Nothing more or less. Which in most cases is enough so that you can secure the connection. It’s possibly even a stronger guarantee than some sketchy cert providers provided in the past which was like “we were able to verify that someone sent us money”.

  • Weed makes you question if you should get more snacks

    I haven’t tried it in a really long time though but I didn’t really like it very much. Not that I think it’s bad, but it’s a downer and they’re just not my favorite.

    Acid and 2C-B on the other hand, man. Haven’t tried other psychs unfortunately but I find them both great for their individual effects. Unfortunately, there’s the huge stigma around psychs in general plus the naturalistic crowd that makes up a proportion of psych users will only accept stuff like shrooms, peyote and ayahuasca.

  • If not only Musk but also the banks are stuck in this problem, it’s their own fault and incovenience. Not sure why you ignored his completely verbose explanation of how this problem is only Musk’s (and maybe the banks he made the deal with).

    That’s the thing, the banks fear it will be their problem. They don’t care about Tesla as a third party, but themselves.

    I’d love Musk to get fucked by this whole ordeal. This was rather about if the creditors allow it or of they’re afraid of the fallout.

    And you’re right, it won’t be all instantly sold, but it is a large amount of shares and I’d think it would have a negative impact on share price.

  • You don’t really understand the point I think, whether it’s correct or not I don’t know. His theoretical wealth is derived from the price of the last share sold. He probably can’t just sell ($13bn/current share price) shares and get $13bn out of that, there aren’t enough buy orders at that price, and you risk a panic sell by other holders. These other holders possible also include the banks were talking about, or at least related businesses and their clients.

    Long story short, if banks had him liquidate shares worth $13bn, his net worth would fall (not the banks direct problem, bit probably wouldn’t make future client acquisition easier); but it might be that they lose more money indirectly. All this calculation with a stock’s market cap is a bit like a house of cards; it’s really high, but don’t shake it too much. At least that’s an issue with overvalued stocks; sound businesses where the stock price reflects the company’s actual value, maybe even pays dividend, don’t have that problem.