Thanks! This is a shot just on a ferry - this guy was shorter than me I think maybe size 11 feet?
And my feet from the side in size 9 shoes
Compared to a random print in the snow…
And my foot measured…
Thanks! This is a shot just on a ferry - this guy was shorter than me I think maybe size 11 feet?
And my feet from the side in size 9 shoes
Compared to a random print in the snow…
And my foot measured…
No not significantly. Obviously I’ve always secretly wondered this as well. I could not imagine walking around in size 7s…let alone size 10s or size 13s! That just seems like so much foot to me. I feel like I’d be stubbing my toes all over the place and they’d be so heavy as well. Saying this, I know that no one could possibly understand this as I’m the odd one out here…but yeah, to me everyone has absolutely (too?) massive feet.
I thought you might think so!
No they fit really well. If I wore men’s or women’s socks they’d be literally sliding off my feet!
About 6" so pretty normal I think
Thanks for the conversion guys.
Haha thanks! Yes - I’ve never met a man or woman with smaller feet than me in my life.
Haha all good. Not sensitive at all! Just quirky.
Not as much as you’d think. I do have a foot massager stick I use after long runs but my feet are pretty sturdy.
It’s cool…I get it.
Haha size 10 and size 3 are a world away but thank you I appreciate your optimism! I’m not bad at tennis!
That’s definitely how the world seems to me…everyone is Bigfoot! I do have more photos of size differences of course but I don’t want to subject you all to more photos of my deformed feet.
Yup have to specially order them it’s a pain
Agreed of course. My Velcro Optimus Prime sandals are an old stand by -
I could be in the average penis club as well. Luckily I have ridiculously small hands so by comparison I’m Ron Jeremy.
No I will have to check this out. Love some small foot representation.
Yes sometimes random strangers will comment on it which is awkward. It’s quite noticeable. In high school I used to try to wear much bigger shoes like size 7 (the biggest I could wear without them falling off me) to make it less noticeable but it hurt like hell lugging those around all day so I stopped. It’s annoying but I’m used to it I guess.
Very interesting. Yes I can easily fall and trip over. Then again I don’t have anything to compare it to as I’ve never had normal sized paws but I do tend to trip a lot.
Pretty average bro
Nah that part of me was spared fortunately