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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Dude I lean center left…it’s not just Republicans that care about gun rights you dumbass. LOT of gun owners also are democrats. Stop trying to one side an issue. Thenissue isn’t guns it’s literally the owners and yea I’ll be damned if I give up my firearms cause you want me to. My guns stay locked up in my safe at all times. My kids know they aren’t toys and can seriously hurt someone. I keep the keys to that safe with me.

    Secondly taking away legal and lawful gun owners guns will NOT stop people who don’t follow the law from obtaining guns and doing bad shit with them. Grow the fuck up.

  • I mean here’s the thing, I’m not going to bend over and cry about people stealing things when companies want to get free labor out of you. I don’t use self checkout unless I know the machines aren’t bitches to use, like HAVING to wait after every scan to be told to then place it in the bag etc. I absolutely will not use those.

    The issue comes when the stores have all the empty manned registers that can be used but they have 1 or 2 open IF they even have those open. They are trying to force free labor out of customers and Lotta ppl don’t like it. I get it. Still not a reason to steal BUT again I am not g9nna cry about them losing money if people do nor will I condone people stealing.

  • Oh for sure I could. The difference between myself and my friends doing this drunkenly is it was a dead end street with only his house and no vehicle traffic. And while Matt did slightly catch fire, we wouldn’t have purposely hurt someone. The lady in the article was said to get increasingly unruly and belligerent. Not how I operate.

    Now say we’d caused a house fire or any fire for that matter I’d have fully accepted any punishment for the severity of whatever had happened. Just who I am. I fuck up I own it. Even drunk me knows not to punch someone or harm someone unless I’m in danger.