I’m sorry you haven’t paid off 900 in 5 years? That’s kinda on you at that point.
I’m sorry you haven’t paid off 900 in 5 years? That’s kinda on you at that point.
Well if you’re able to converse with them in their native tongue then I don’t understand the problem. You should be able to talk to them just fine.
This is the answer. You don’t need to become fluent or learn to read it. Just conversational so you can at least partially participate in conversations around them.
I know enough to drive my car into Google headquarters soon.
For legal reasons that is a joke and I have no intentions of driving my vehicle into the Google buildings.
When I said “handful” I more so meant in all of language yeah there are probably hundreds of words for the empty space between certain things, but in all of human language that’s probably a pretty small number.
I’ve never personally tried adding the ’ before you import but the one document that was causing problems with that for me recently was an auto generated document so I couldn’t have possibly added any spaces or characters before excel went and messed them up anyways.
Oh I know. You can do that or just add a single space as well. But you cannot do that before the document is created so if you import something into excel it’ll just fuck all your numbers to shit and then you have to spend hours or days unfucking the numbers since even if you tell excel to treat that column as text only it won’t put the numbers back correctly.
It’s actually impressive how dogshit Microsoft products have become over the years. They clearly knew this was a problem back in 2016 or wherlnever that beta version was floating around where you could just disable the automated date feature entirely beforehand, but I guess they decided they liked pissing off office workers more than giving people meaningful QOL updates over the years.
I mean we have lots of words for varying degrees and styles of “nothing”.
A chasm is the empty space between two chunks of the earths crust.
A void is just an empty space well… Void of all things.
An interval is just the time between two events. Technically it’s nothing.
Still a good shower thought. There aren’t a ton of words dedicated to the same phenomenon, but we have a handful.
While we are talking about shit that Google pulls that drives us crazy can we talk about the pop-up asking me if I know about driving mode EVERY SINGLE TIME I LAUNCH MAPS FROM MY CAR.
I fuckin know about it Google. I have said yes every single goddamn time. Stop fuckin asking me.
Microsoft just does whatever they want and we all have to deal with it. Especially in the corporate space. It’s infuriating at times.
The fact that you can’t stop excel from doing that until you are inside the document means that if you ever import anything into excel it WILL break your numbers into dates and you have to fix them manually. If you are typing a fresh doc you can obviously change the settings but I spent hours working with Microsoft support and they basically gave up saying that they used to have a beta version where you could disable it, but they never added the feature to live excel and they just gave up.
10/10 Microsoft.
Except for black cats…
Cause they are spooky.
I’m mostly fine with people holding their beliefs whatever they may be, but what’s extra scary to me is just how detached from reality the majority of the users on here seem to be.
I’ve seen very logical and polite moderate/centrists get told to go away because they are clearly just pretending to be a centrist but are actually a righty or whatever. These people can’t even talk to someone who only sorta disagrees with them. It’s so unbelievably unhealthy.
It is extremely weird to me how many people I talk to on the left that are totally fine with doing away with free speech. I’m glad there are people like you that still exist. Sadly you appear to be a fairly small minority on the left…well at least on this site and most of the internet. Seems moderate lefts either don’t speak up or don’t use social media much for some reason.
I have tried explaining why echo chambers and shutting down anyone you disagree with is bad so many times and you just get downvoted for saying that around here which is nuts. Most of these people seem to WANT to be in an echo chamber. Very concerning.
I love my gaming PC and 3d printer in the winter. Keeps my room toasty without me needing to run the heat much at all.
I hate those same things in the summer when I gotta have fans or AC just so I don’t melt lol
Common sense/critical thinking 101.
It is utterly baffling watching some people just bumble through life completely clueless.
I have lost track of the number of adults who have no clue how do their taxes. They either have their parents do them or they pay someone to do them for themselves. I consider myself basically financially retarded, but I still learned the bare minimum to be able to do my own goddamn taxes.
People don’t know the bare minimum about their vehicles and it ends up costing them thousands.
People are oblivious to their surroundings and never prepared for anything even slightly.
People just do things without a single thought towards the potential consequences of their actions.
That’s the best part. It kinda works either way.
Yeah I was gonna say… He sure picked a great time to become best buddy with the most powerful man in the free world lol.
Nothing will come of this.
It’s almost like… They never cared in the first place. I don’t know why so many people are shocked. They only ever cared about money. The millisecond they were no longer at risk of losing capitol for not having a thing of course they were all gonna drop it.
They are an American. It’s not like 900 dollars is some insurmountable of money to pay off in 5 years. 180 bucks a year. 15 bucks a month.
That’s literally a Spotify subscription.