That sounds like it would require leaving the house, which I am less and less inclined to do. Hypothetically though, sure!
That sounds like it would require leaving the house, which I am less and less inclined to do. Hypothetically though, sure!
How will my friends know I care if I can’t lick them? (I don’t actually have any though, so it’s hypothetical)
We live in a parody.
It functions. That’s part of the issue. It’s mostly there to protect the rich and fuck the poor and minorities.
I’ve been on about that for about 3x as long, and roundly met with blank stares and outright denial. Once again, not at all happy about being proven correct.
I’m disabled and autistic with no work history but menial jobs that I couldn’t do for more than a year before massive burnout. I’m sure that some country somewhere would want me, right? I can play the guitar for a few minutes before my messed up hands hurt too much.
Kinda ready for the extermination camps, tbh.
Both can be true and both can be bad, like what’s so hard about this concept? One country’s shortcomings do not excuse other countries shortcomings ffs.
Soon we will start leaking corn syrup?
Hello, my likely undiagnosed autistic friend.
Yeah they are an organized theocracy that regularly abused their power and children through history and exploited the peasants. It’s my own personal term for them since the parallels are too hard to ignore.
Don’t forget when he helped clear homeless camps with the cops.Been garbage since he was mayor of SanFran with an equally garbage DA. Remember those days? I do. Three Strikes disproportionately harmed people of color and sex workers, especially the trans ones, by design.
Planning on international child trafficking this time? Quite progressive abduction policy. Fucking Catholic Buddhist child abusers. How is it they get a pass? “Oh that whole tongue sucking thing was just a joke!” SMDH
Clarification: they are the Catholicism of Buddhism in my view (read up on the history of abuses they committed, cutting off peasants hands, gouging out eyes, regularly abducting kids from families)
Checks and balances ftw. I wanna leave this planet.