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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • I have been thinking about this as well. I am sure there is some probelm with a spending side tax rather than income. Probably subversion of the tax. Undertable deals, street vendors, etc. With income they make the company track and get their cut before you are able to subvert anything.

    Also our economy is very credit based with the use of credit cards. If taxes were all collected at point of sale there might be probelms with defaulting and who gets the money if people don’t pay.

    I am not an economist. I am sure someone has thought of it already.

  • It’s a really hard mindset to break because at it’s surface it make sense. Especially when you focus on fringe cases.

    Like I am sure there are people who abuse the system, but it’s not a good life, they don’t make that much off of it. No one is living large off welfare. The “welfare queen” stereotype had been by and large disproven, but has left a lasting effect on people’s opinion.

    Personally I rather have a few $ slip through and make sure kids arn’t starving.

  • Maybe as a fire starter you could short the terminals or the plates/cells with a spike.

    Most expensives work by rapidly generating a large volume of gas in a compact area. The rapid expansion of the gas creates a Shockwave that can be used as a concussion blast or break about the bomb housing to throw shrapnel. Not really anything close to the same reaction. But this is all kinds of explosives…

    Edit: Crwayes to creates

  • Political violence cuts both ways. I don’t think anyone thinks what happens to politicians go against the cartels in Mexico is good or healthy system. For democracy to work we can’t have people constantly fear for their lives. Sure Trump is a terrible human being but I don’t want my candidates living with the same fear. So our only choice is to condem it. Also when bad acting becomes the norm bad actors will thrive. If political assassinations becomes the norm do you think morally justified “good guys” assassin going after Hitlers are going to win/out pace organized crime like what we see in Mexico?

    At the end of the day ends don’t justify the means. Violence breeds Violence. In this modern age if we want to create a peaceful society we have to do it peacefully. Violence might be an appealing means to an end and while we might have the moral high ground but they use the same logic to justify their violence.

  • I looked more into fires and battery replacement and agree with your stats, much appreciated for the info.

    However, I never said it swappable would be faster for expanding. I said it was safer and allow for battery integrity evaluation. I agree the ideal solution would be chargers in homes as long as battery health and saftey are reasonable which they already reaching that point.

    I see alot of talk in these threads about how bad it would be to make infrastructure and need to invest. But our current infrastructure didn’t just show up. I bet when the first cars came out people with horses said the same thing. Thinking how much it would cost to build all these gas stations and refineries. Investment will have to happen and EV is the future. Obviously home chargers are cheaper and again the ideal solution as technology advances and the grid can keep up.