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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • “We need a one size fits all solution!” screams the person who hasn’t discovered yet that people’s needs can be wildly different.

    I agree that the situation with private/religious/home schooling does need reform but to say it should not be allowed at all is a bridge too far.

    I tried to place my gifted child in public schools and they were like “Sorry but they have to go in the grade that matches their age” despite the fact that they had mastered most content from 2nd grade by the time they were 1st grade age. So my options were let my child academically languish for a few years while they didn’t learn a work ethic because they already know everything - or put them in private / home school to keep them growing academically.

  • Not sure why you were downvoted. In some instances I think this may absolutely be a factor and the generational perpetuation of such an environment is hard to overstate. My spouse and I refer to it as “One Hundred Years of Solitude” after the amazing novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. If you haven’t read it, it follows this family in Columbia through multiple generations showing how self-destructive behaviors can be passed through generations in a self-perpetuating way. That’s an aside to say that I agree that yes I suspect that for some folks this is a part of the story.