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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMen losing their mind
    2 days ago

    Nobody said “all men”, you’re making shit up. I’d say talk to a woman but, uh, maybe leave them be they have enough problems without doing all the emotional labour of making you feel special.

    You’re a defensive lil’ baby who clearly doesn’t want to even begin to try understanding what’s going on. This isn’t about you, man-child. Dealing with you on the daily must be fucking insufferable and sharing a gender/sex with you is an embarrassment.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMen losing their mind
    3 days ago

    My mom is far too forgiving and it absolutely messed me up a little. But I’m also not a fucking dumbass on autopilot so I acknowledged shortcomings and fixed them. Their fathers also allowed that behaviour to happen, and it’s not even unlikely that they stopped the mothers “being so hard on them” if they stepped in in the way you’re asking for. The mothers had to put up with shit and have borderline to actuall PTSD and are too protecting themselves to go after the very behaviour they’re trying to avoid needing to deal with.

    No, the moms are not to blame.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMen losing their mind
    3 days ago

    Congratulations on landing yourself in a good place. I won’t even try to tell you that you may simply not notice them putting up with shit.

    That’s not everyone’s experience, and you’re not being helpful or compassionate with that comment. The opposite, even. You aren’t the victim here, bro, sit down.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMen losing their mind
    3 days ago

    Women know that it isn’t every man, you’re not being helpful here. Women tell us all the time that they don’t feel safe and can back it up with so many examples of people that come off as good right until they’re putting her body in separate garbage bags. For a less intense version of that they come around to trust people and even accidentally the man ends up defensive and trying to make excuses for poor behaviour(s).

    They deal with this shit all the fucking time and you complaining like you’re the victim in a post about their struggles is exactly what they’re fucking talking about.

  • Weird conservatives have never been know to understand things like “longterm effects” or “treating what they have with any respect”.

    They like buying trucks, guns, and knives. They like showing those things off. Like the “rustic charm” in the memes that are really just about how anti-social they are. They like wearing red and black flannel, camo hats, and acting like they could totally live off the land just because their entire idea of nature is about who’s more violent.

    The people who can name the birds and trees, who gather responsibly, and just like to go for a nice canoe aren’t usually too conservative. Obviously it happens but that requires a level effort and stewardship for the land that’s often incompatible with the personality required to grasp onto conservatism.

  • It’s fucking soup with cheese that’s so covered in sauce it will never reach any level of golden brown delicious, nor even be able to dream of it. It’s such a US thing to think that more is better while annihilating all the nuance that makes the thing actually good in the first place.

    A deep crust is fine, just put more in it and put that cheese on top where it can really shine. Fill that bad bitch with all kinds of great stuff. Use more than the most basic, one-note pizza sauce.

    I was so hyped for deep-dish and it let me down so fucking hard.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEarbuds
    10 days ago

    And they do, yea. I’m just saying that I won’t try to tell you what you find important or should care about and we should acknowledge that most people want wireless. There’s still a big market for wired headphones and there’s always value in that having that cheap spare pair or two even for people who prefer wireless.

    Anyway I hope I didn’t come off as trying to shame you out of your preference. My only goal was to show the other side of the coin.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devPsychopath Dev
    11 days ago


    Yes, sometimes it’s better to just leave the shitty person to be shitty but not calling people out also validates their shitty opinions. I’m glad you’re in a place of privilege to just ignore it but maybe practice your own fuckin’ augenmaß and butt out if you don’t have anything constructive to say.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEarbuds
    11 days ago

    It isn’t just the gym. When was the last time you went outside?

    (The last paragraph is a summary of sorts if you don’t want to deal my wall of examples)

    I like being able to sit on the metro or bus and use my phone normally, and then when I go to leave I don’t need to reorganize the wire to get it in a more comfortable position for walking around. When I drive, since the microphone in my car isn’t very good, I don’t need to think about dealing with a cable and putting my phone somewhere it can be safely and securely within reach. Being able to understand that other people have different needs I know that there is such a thing as a woman and they, unfortunately, don’t always have pockets that make dealing with a wire super straightforward.

    In the summer I don’t want to have a wire down my t-shirt. It’s uncomfortable and I definitely want the thing hanging around loose, either.

    When I’m at home it’s nice to not have to deal with wired headphones, and when I use my laptop for calls and stuff it’s so much easier to be able to use wireless earbuds. I can get up quickly to close a door, turn off an oven, frickin’ whatever the hell I want. Most of the time I use my PC, regular speakers, and Yeti Nano so this isn’t an issue but understanding that other people have different needs I can see why someone without those things would need a better solution.

    I live where I rent bikes to get around a lot. I rarely want music while I’m biking but I’ve needed directions sometimes and having my phone plugged in while pedalling, even if the wire was long enough, would be a great way to shorten the life of the connection at the phone. Being able to understand other people have different needs I also know that others use headphones much more often, especially when we have safer bike infrastracture.

    For you:

    Understanding that different people have different needs I totally get why someone might want wired headphones. A little better sound quality if you’re into that kinda thing is fine. The cost is certainly a component and I won’t tell anyone who can’t afford Airpods that they need to spend that kind of money on headphones. I didn’t even do that as mine only cost $70 after my points took care of the other $310(these are AirPod Pro 2s, I also know that regular airpods are far cheaper but still pricey).

    I also use wired headphones on my PC because Windows is ass and the firmware on the airpods as well will sometimes not behave either. I only use them because one specific meeting program doesn’t have anything to clean up the echo from my speakers so I need to cut that sound out entirely. Regardless, I understand how valuable a simple wired connection is. Sometimes my keyboard doesn’t behave without being plugged in, and whenever shitty Windows crapped out on my work computer and the bluetooth connection died I had to plug in to deal with that. I only use wired mice but frankly I really should get a wireless one as well to have that flexibility, though the cheapo wired one ready to go in a box nearby is fine.

    I never said wired headphones don’t have a place but you’re not getting that other people have different priorities.

    It’s like saying we should all own GMC Savanas for the extra space when it would be better for 99.9% of people to grab a Honda fit or just take public transit, and then use U-Haul, a carshare program, or just borrow a friend’s car when they need to haul something once a year.

    Ultimately, people just want to listen to music at all and in a comfortable way. The disadvantages of a wire are not worth the marginal increase in sound quality when it comes to daily use.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devPsychopath Dev
    11 days ago

    “Wah wah I’m a victim look they’re going to attack me any second now!”

    I hope you figure out whatever’s destroying your sense of self-worth and causing you to attack margainalisized communities to protect what’s left of your ego. That’s both a dig and a genuine dose of sympathy.

  • Soup@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEarbuds
    11 days ago

    It might be lower fidelity but it’s not like it’s bad. I got some AirPod Pros using my credit card points and they’re awesome, plus the active noise cancellation means that they have more space to work when they aren’t fighting the metro system or whatever else. I did have some $100 ones that were pretty mediocre so I totally get that bluetooth can be bad but so can most anything else.

    People chasing that last 2% of sound quality…I’m not going to waste our time saying that it doesn’t make much of a difference but they need to understand that almost nobody gives a shit. The only people that need to care are doing it for their job and that’s an entirely different situation.

    And none of that even gets on the fact that without a cable to manage I can deal with them much more comfortably on the metro, in a car, on a bicycle, while walking, etc. I don’t need to think about where my phone is and I can even share them far more easily and comfortably. The battery, for my use case, just goes and goes and I barely need to charge them. They do everything better except for sound and they already crossed the threshold for great sound quality ages ago so that one is irrelevant to 99% of users.