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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • When I was a dumb kid, me and other dumb kids found some paving tiles and decided to break them by throwing them in the air. Unfortunately, I was really bad at aiming, caught it on my head and caused permanent spinal damage.

    The doctor recommended strength training, because my muscles would overtaxed by compensating for my wonky spine, which I promptly ignored because, again, I was a dumb kid and girls don’t lift weights. So from age 10 to 19 ish I basically had debilitating neck pains every few months which had me stuck in bed on painkillers and muscle relaxants.

    After 9 years of being an idiot, I started listening to the doctors, lifted weights, and basically never had a sore neck again. The main downside is that clothes shopping is hard now.

  • You can absolutely make a lipo battery “explode” by overheating it by drawing too much power. But it’s the kind of explosion where it spews hot gas and maybe catches on fire. You’ll definitely get hurt, but that’s about it.

    You can do MUCH worse by overcharging it. (note the size of that battery). There will eventually be a fireball if you overcharge it and keep overcharging it when it’s already swollen to a balloon. But you generally don’t charge stuff while it’s in your pocket.

    These were actual killing-people-explosions. Lipo batteries don’t do that.