• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • Our cats have always been fed raw and they get fed twice a day. One of our cats, the vet said he was “the most beautiful specimen I ever seen”. He’s just a basic tabby (rescue) but does indeed have the most glorious fur. Our failed foster’s pervious owner fed her an expensive fancy diet but kibble and we thought she had coarse fur. After months with us on raw, she also has gloriously soft fur and what we thought was psychological urination issues also cleared up.

  • How old are you? I was a kid in the 1980s and most cats I knew as a kid lived till around 18. Oldest cat I can recall was 22. My spouse and I commented recently that it’s weird seeing so many people online these days thinking that a 12-14yo cat was old and wondered what the heck was going on that kitty lifespans have shortened so much from when we were kids (or our own cats). 🙀