Recently I’ve delved into Dredge, by Black Salt Game. Its a tiny little fishing game, you play as a fisherman and have to go out, fish, come back and sell before it goes bad.
Nothing out of the ordinary, nope, nothing at IA! IA! RLYEH FHTAGN
It IS a fishing game, I didn’t lie, but with very distinct lovecraftian undertones. Its got it all, unknown deep horrors, esoteric magic, and ancient lore. I managed to work my way through it in 7 hours. At times it felt a little long, but its a beautiful ride with a small, but interesting cast of characters.
Wholeheartedly recommend it.
Guy was nutty for sure. No saving grace there.
Be mindful, though, that Kaczynski was subjected to a three-year mind control experiment, tentatively linked to the infamous MK Ultra. I don’t think evil is inherent in most people, and this might be the reason for his growing misanthropy over his life. Regardless, he got the punishment fit for his terrible crimes.