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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Imo I think observing a crime like that but not reporting it (so more crimes can be amassed by that person) should be considered legal endorsement of the activity. You were aware of the infraction and chose not to report it or otherwise act on. That you were hoping to “bank” more crime from the criminal seems irrelevant to me - you chose not to pursue legal action even after clearly being aware of the infraction, which tells me you chose inaction.

    But of course bringing our laws in line with morality and reason would require an enormous overhaul of the system, so instead we have this bullshit.

  • Personally I decided about 6 years ago that I wouldn’t buy another non-portable game console.

    At this stage I just don’t see any reason to drop $600+ on a console when I could put that $600~ towards upgrading my PC and get vastly more value for my money.

    So as far as I’m concerned, the only consoles worth looking at at all right now at the Nintendo Switch, which I have and love, and the Steam Deck, which would offer me my PC gaming experience with something it lacks: portability.

    Aside from that, I personally couldn’t give 2 shits what’s happening in the world of XBox or Playstation these days.

  • Don’t be disingenuous. We are already paying for that service, in our data and attention.

    It would be an entirely different story if paying for Youtube Premium immediately opted you out of participating in Google’s data-mining and data-selling, and if paying for Youtube Premium removed not just the overt ads but the algorithmically-manipulated advertising content as well (what is the effective difference between a Pepsi ad and a Good Mythical Morning video titled “trying every new Pepsi flavor”?), but it since it DOESN’T do those then we aren’t talking about paying for a service - we are talking about a company asking for every penny in our wallet for a service which we are already paying for.

  • Fair and I agree. I should have stated it in the past tense because what I really meant is exactly what you stated - that I wouldn’t have brought the adblock to Youtube had they not gone nuclear assault in their ad approach and made the choice unreasonable, now I am unwilling to engage with them honestly without ENORMOUS, HERUCLEAN efforts towards rehabilitation on their part.


  • Hopefully somebody who actually makes monetized Youtube videos will join the conversation to answer that one, as I’m not certain. I’m a pretty active Youtube watcher and fairly savvy on the culture, so from what I’ve gleaned I believe there is some control given to creators but I believe it is somewhat limited. For example if you watch the Sorted channel (a UK-based food channel) with ads on, they seem to pretty consistently happen at small scene transitions, which leads me to believe the Sorted team is doing their part to strategically place them.

  • If they kept the ads to 10-15 seconds at the start of a video and didn’t interrupt my videos for them, I would never use an adblock on Youtube (i’ll even give them an allowance for one 10 second ad interruption for every hour in the case of super long videos). But for as long as they keep trying to squeeze every goddamn penny out of me that they can, I will fight back and do everything in my power to prevent them from being allowed even a single ad impression off me.

    I’m not unreasonable, but I refuse to accept unreasonable offers.

  • To a degree they do. Businesses have the right to refuse service, but not if doing so appears to be targeting somebody for discriminatory reasons. Since the impetus here seems to be the kiss between two men, if they aren’t asking opposite-sex couples who engage in the same to leave then this actually is not a legal request. There’s some context here that is impossible to know, so frankly I’m not really keen to make a clear determination one way or the other personally, but I still wanted to point out that it’s not really automatically as simple as “the business asked them to leave.”