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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I have a few times in life, but I’ve always found a new one.

    Each time I’d get deep enough into something, tech advancements always made that thing functionally obsolete.

    Once again I’m watching my skill set being phased out, but am working on my big last hurrah project right now that I’ve dreamed of for years. Having a great time doing it, but have already started the process of replacing it over the next 18 months.

    The one plus side now is that the company I’m with has already invested in my training for the next big thing. I’ve been through it enough times that I don’t feel like I’m losing something or wasted my time.

  • The pace of change is about every five years, and some elements are always in transition.

    All in one turn key solutions are always one to two cycles behind, so may work great with the stuff I’m already replacing.

    I think these are honest attempts to simplify, but by the time they have it sorted its obsolete. If I have to build modules anyway to work with new equipemnt, might as well just write all the code in my native language.

    These also tend to be attempts at all in one devices, requiring you to use devices only compatible with those subsystems. I want to be able to use best tech from what ever manufacturer. New and fancy almost always means a command line interface, which again means coding.

  • If you don’t feel it, don’t do it. Some injuries don’t heal right, and many of the hobbies I enjoy have a pretty damned high risk factor. Almost every single time I’ve had a serious injury, that little voice was telling me “This one might not end well”, and I went for it anyway.

    I could have walked away, called it a day, and come back another time. It wasn’t a contest, I was just out filming a few tricks for my “You’re turning 40 and still doing it” video. Didn’t stretch, didn’t warm up, and my over enthusiastic filmer was all “Try this, do that”. Ended up collapsing my knee and fully tearing my MCL.

    Between that and a few neck and back fractures over the years, my mobility and flexibility are pretty well shot. There are things I just can’t do anymore.

    Sure I still skate, and am amazed just how much I can still get away with, but now every minute on the board includes a constant “Is this safe? Is this worth it?” chant.

  • So train lines instead of belts, and inserters directly linking assemblers to each other? Wow, that base must be huge.

    I have done some basics with trains, and a bit with circuits, but multi resource trains always jammed up on me and became unbalanced so I’ve basically kept them to single item type each. Plus, playing on console without keyboard means naming things like stations is a slow pain in the ass.

  • The amount of time and money spent doing all the starting and running a buisness crap that has nothing to do with the actual work is staggering. I started my own LLC in an industry where I am considered an expert, and it was a complete failure in less then three years.

    I had clients, I had projects, but was so overwhelmed with all the buisness elements I just couldn’t spend the time required to get the work done properly. On top of that, while the money was good, the clients were often late paying, so all sorts of fees piled up and quickly ate into the profit. In the end I realized to do it right would have required at minimum four full time people.

    Ended up taking a job with a large company as their in house specialist and I’m so much happier. I work shorter hours, get a regular salary with benifits, and spend my time doing the technical stuff I like.

    Not saying don’t do it, just be aware of everything that goes into it beyond the core elements of the work / product.

  • The office is 3 day a week onsite, w Mon and Fri remote.

    I have to be on site Tue - Thur to support the users.

    I go in most Mon and Fri because it’s the only time I know I have physical access to the systems.

    My support work is largely “remote”, in that I can manage my systems 99% of the time better from my office than in the room, and I really like my setup.

    Aside from physically rebooting hardware that’s too frozen to reboot remotely, or replacing defective hardware, I can work 100% from anywhere I have internet.

    Thing is, I love the company I work for, the end users and various IT and facilities staff that support my work are all great people.

    The only close friends I have all moved far away decades ago, so the “water cooler” is the only real social interaction I get.

    I do spend a ridiculous amount to live 15 minutes from the office so the commute isn’t a concern.

  • Thing is, I know she knows exactly what she is saying. The context is correct, she knows what the words mean, she just didn’t grow up around people who spoke that wide a vocabulary, and while working in blue collar trades, she was looked down on for all them fancy college words.

    She can swear with the best pipe fitters, well, because she was a union pipe fitter.

    Language is so fluid, people who get too hung up on syntax and not the substance really annoy me.

    When I was in the military, one of the smartest people I knew was from the bayou of Louisiana. To me, a yank, he sounded like a complete idiot, and in fact I often couldn’t understand him when we first met. Once I was able to look past his mode of speech, and actually listen to him, I realised what an ignorant fuck I was being.