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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 6th, 2024


  • The boomers grew up in the “Golden age”… Gen x is the boomers first round of kids… Born from hippy free love and mistakes… Then the boomers grew up, got divorced, and started their millennial “real” families… Gen x caught the shit end of the boomer stick for sure, and it fucked them up as a generation… That and the fact that they caught a lot of the boomers pig headedness, probably because they had far less access to information than millennials.

    Luckily they’re a small and mostly insignificant generation that won’t ever be able to prop up the old oligarchy parties the way the boomers have been able to.

  • The majority of the people are significantly more left leaning, but our politicians continue to drag the country to the right. (Particularly economically… Socially they just drag their feet, but we’ve had some progress) This is because the only “people” they care about are corporate people (as in corporations are people).

    However, while the vast majority of human people are far left of anything happening in politics, what remains of the right is becoming more and more violently entrenched in their conservative ways… Basically the schism is because most of society is progressing into the future, while a small group refuses to come with us, and is determined to hold us all back.