I make people upset just by using my eyes and brain, as such please be careful to ensure your tears do not get into your electronics, thank you

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • I know we used to find common ground and reach across the aisle, and I just don’t know how we’ll ever get back there now, to be quite honest. In that way, the American political landscape in the last 50 years has gotten much, much worse.

    I’m honestly not sure how much of that you can attribute to foreign powers vs. Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, and Dick Cheney (off the top of my head – there are many more), but it’s interesting to think about.

  • honestly, Timeshift + btrfs was a big part of the reason I was willing to try switching to Mint from Windows in February when I read about it (the other big part being Proton and my experience with my Steam Deck), and I’ve been rather happy with it since. I still dual boot for the odd thing, but 90% of the time I’m in Linux and it just works; and on the single occasion I’ve had an update bork something, I just used Timeshift to restore a snapshot, tried updating again, and it worked fine the second time. Took me 10 minutes. I remember the heady days of the early 2010s when I first tried Linux, and that would’ve normally kicked off an entire evening’s worth of troubleshooting. (And, indeed, it was shit like that that pushed me back to Windows whenever I’d try Linux)

    I’m really hoping more semi-computer-literate people start taking the plunge, it isn’t nearly so awful an adjustment to make as it was just ten years ago and Microsoft clearly needs the competition to encourage them to make not-shit products. I still wouldn’t give a Linux machine to your grandmother, but your average technically competent nerd who can use Google can actually use Mint nowadays without having to fuck with it too much; as opposed to having to almost become an expert on Linux and get up into its guts to make it work right for you (which, Windows is increasingly requiring itself, if you don’t want Microsoft knowing everything you do and serving you ads in your OS), and Timeshift is a big part of why, IMO. It’s not quite there to “perfectly suited for general use by your average idiot”, plenty of programs that don’t yet play nice with it; but it’s so much closer to that ideal now than it’s ever been before, and it’s still getting better.

    I know, wrong community, y’all like to get up into its guts, poke around and tinker; but I and many others would rather work on our computers, as opposed to work on our computers, if you get my meaning.

  • Had someone repeatedly call me a faggot, shouting it at me; after I told them staying 5 hours past check-out, for free, isn’t a thing. He also threatened to break my nose.

    I’m 6’4 and over 300lbs (and, indeed, gay), and I shit you not this man was a full head shorter than me and skinny like a twig. I couldn’t stop smiling as he made these threats and insults, and just waited for him to try coming over or around the desk (I had pepper spray and a big-ass maglite with me to boot, it was a hotel near a casino that still had smoking rooms and was frequented by drug addicts and hookers, and I was the overnight guy). He never did, and when the cops showed up he tried playing dumb and innocent. The cops didn’t buy it, especially since a co-worker had seen the entire thing and told them the same, and escorted him from the premises before check-out.

    And the whole reason dipshit didn’t want to check out on time? He wanted to go to college classes first and leave all his shit in the room (which, by the way, they trashed). Not how it works, housekeeping needs to clean it, either pack up or pay up. And instead, he wound up missing his classes and checking out on time! The stupidity of the common hotel guest never ceases to amaze me – I have frequently joked that people remember to pack their toothbrush, spare underwear, and they might even remember to shut off the kitchen stove, but they almost always leave their brain by the door before heading out.