6 hours agoRazzia’s ✅ Secret police ☑️ Torture interrogation 📋
Razzia’s ✅ Secret police ☑️ Torture interrogation 📋
8 years smooth sailings.
Got perma-banned in the span of 6 months.
Well then the next step is actual betrayal of Ukraine by giving their intel to Russia.
Never mind he’s probably already doing so.
And the funny thing is, when Putin will come to the White House, which will eventually happen, he will not speak a word of English, thank Trump for his commitment to a free northern hemisphere and make some veiled insults in Russian which Trump will not understand, nor will anybody have the guts to translate them to him. He will just stand there and smile while Putin takes the White House as one of his outposts.
Fascism is cannibalistic in nature. The rage eats its own until paranoia takes over.