Because they know if they do, they’ll be blacklisted.
Because they know if they do, they’ll be blacklisted.
Which is reasonable in principle, but when they sell the exclusivity, they’re and to put that money back into their research expenses.
I’m okay with public money going to funding research projects that become private profit for a limited time. I’m a capitalist system, which is what we’re operating in, this seems to be the most effective. Government partially funds otherwise unprofitable R&D, companies make the product, and ordinary people are able to buy it at reasonable prices, and once exclusivity ends, anyone can make it.
I’m not following. Making the results public domain doesn’t prohibit private companies from manufacturing for profit.
So how should we make this available to people then?
Research isn’t free either.
Saves money sure, but every other week? I have to buzz it twice a week to keep it short enough to not look terrible. That’s enough effort that I’d rather apply a regular treatment.
Not like a daily “keep doing it or you lose all progress” treatment, but maybe like a “use it more or less daily and it’ll grow back” treatment.
I don’t think UCLA is going to produce retail products themselves.
Very low. I think he dropped below the break-even point on this several years ago.
Fun fact, per the executive order, the whole body isn’t being renamed the Gulf of America, only the “U.S. Continental Shelf area bounded on the northeast, north, and northwest by the States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida and extending to the seaward boundary with Mexico and Cuba”. That is, less than the northern half, as indicated in this map: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_ECS_Regions_2023.png
I hope this is due to someone intentionally wording it to sound correct, but in reality being extra screwy so that they look like fools.
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, since even the article doesn’t define it.
Good. They should have just done this in the first place. Fort Liberty is dumb, might as well have named it Fort Kickass. Yes, I know the services couldn’t agree on a name and that’s why it got Liberty, but it shouldn’t have been that hard to agree on another guy named Bragg. Like how Washington renamed King County for MLK instead of whatever racist it was before.
Ok that’s fine I’ll just be leaving that much earlier on friday
Encouraging domestic production is all well and good, but this doesn’t do that. And besides, people like me are going to continue buying foreign vehicles for the manufacturing quality and durability.
Yeah, generally you don’t want the front-line staff talking to the public about things outside their job description, because they could easily say something inaccurate.
The whole store is down now: https://yeezy.com/
Or if you’re fine with non-factual answers. I’ve used chatgpt various times for different kinds of writing, and it’s great for that. It can give you ideas, it can rephrase, it can generate lists, it can help you find the word you’re trying to think of (usually).
But it’s not magic. It’s a text generator on steroids.
How close are the front doors? I live in a pretty dense city and I’ve never heard them go off like that.
Bro if you didn’t decide that when he got elected the first time, you’re practically negligent.
That just feels like sticking your head in the sand to me.
They had a change in leadership some years ago.