• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I thought about this solution, as it is the “cleanest”, however I need on total 4 firefox derivatives. Unfortunately, when looking deeply into the options, i haven’t found 4 that are similarly trustworthy, well maintained etc. Also i have my firefox config fully figured out, it works and is as private as i want them, without some maintainer forcing their opinion on my use cases. Plain firefox is the easiest to configure, as it’s like a blank start. However i might be wrong here and am open to suggestions :D

  • Thanks for the hints, this definitely helped, however it did not solve the issue.

    What i did:

    1. I changed via omv-firstaid the omv port from 80 to 8081.
    2. I confirmed with ss -ltn that this change was successful and i see the listening port 80 vanished, while this now popped up:

    State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port

    LISTEN 0 511*

    1. I tested locally via ssh from the pi the connection via curl http://mylocalip:8081/ and it works, i get the html back
    2. I tested from my laptop (connected to my router via WiFi, where the raspberry is meshed into via the repeater in between) and i still get the timeout.
    3. I tried tunneling again via ssh ssh -L 8081:localhost:8081 pi@raspberrypi.local and i did not get any errors this time. However when i open the local url in the browser i get a connection reset and my terminal shows me channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed. However this just says that TcPForwarding is disabled, which is fine, so that tunneling issue should not be the main problem, i assume.