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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I had an account with a bank that got bought. Always used the app, which worked fine, but I needed some document I could only get from the website. Go to log in and it gives me all sorts of weird errors. Support made me reset my password, all that stuff. I figured it out. Old bank would let you log in with email or username. New bank only let you log in with username, except it had dropped old bank’s username and put the email in the username field in their database. The website scrubbed emails from that field, and so it submitted a null username. The app didn’t l, so it let me log in. Weirdest issue I’ve ever had with a service and actually figured it out.

  • It’s so frustrating too because the atmosphere, casting, acting, even the characters are really compelling. But they just absolutely refused to take any risks. It’s like they just didn’t get the whole point. Rey needed to become a gray character, and kylo needed to be redeemed. And they both had to live with it and shoulders the burdens of their past. Luke needed to accept that ultimately people are people and you can’t expect to entirely subvert either your baser or more noble emotions and instincts.

  • This is going to get so Florida, so I’m sorry. Most of the people I know who carry daily carry guns without safeties, so that just wouldn’t work. Also, it’s literally a mark of distinction between “responsible gun owners” and irresponsible ones that before the alcohol comes out all the guns are made conspicuously safe, unless the person is a designated non drinker. They would take on the unspoken responsibility of being armed and vigilant for the rest of the group. This will happen discreetly in mixed company, but likely conspicuously if everyone present carries a gun.

    And anyone committing the faux pas of calling a magazine a clip would get a polite correction, and if repeated they wouldn’t be invited next time.

  • There’s not nearly enough butter on that toast, not enough eggs, and where’s the sausage? In Florida the breakfast gun goes on the dominant side with the grip out. Once alcohol is served the slide will be locked back. In particularly liberal circles the magazines will also be popped out. We aren’t savages.

  • All of your issues can be solved by a backup. My host went out of business. I set up a new server, pulled my backups, and was up and running in less than an hour.

    I’d recommend docker compose. Each service gets its own folder inside your docker folder. All volumes are a folder in the services folder. Each night, run a script that stops all of them, starts duplicati, backs up to a remote server or webdav share or whatever, and then starts them back up again. If you want to be extra safe, back up to two locations. It’s not that complicated if it’s just your own services.

  • I don’t really get this take. I’ve seen the same people wanting stricter gun control and also saying this is a dumb law. Most responsible gun owners who are pro gun rights would agree that we don’t want drug addicts to have guns. Why isn’t this something people can all agree on? Admittedly, this is hypocritical as hell because police don’t bother to follow up on felons who own guns, and even infrequent marijuana use prohibits people from purchasing firearms. But, it’s just good sense for someone who is addicted to crack to not own guns.

    Even with the details of this case, my understanding is that it all started because he was on drugs, and didn’t have his gun safely stored and his then girlfriend, also a drug user, took it and threw it in a trash can in a public place, which is an excellent reason not to let drug users have guns.

  • I’ll have to look into that. Im not familiar enough to with Norton desktop to know about those features. I have many fond memories of windows 3.1 and NT 3.51 though. First desktop and personal server oses I ever ran. Interestingly enough, I ran windows 3.1 on an IBM PS1, and on boot it had a desktop replacement type graphical menu to access some organizational tools. I wonder how many more things like that were common and I just didn’t have any experience with them.