I very often sit down to pee, but not exclusively. Some times I feel like standing.
No follow-up questions, thanks.
I very often sit down to pee, but not exclusively. Some times I feel like standing.
No follow-up questions, thanks.
Norawy is facing a similar issue. Even though the national identification number is 11 digits, the first 6 are reserved for birth date. The 7th digit has some set of rules derived from which century the birth was (something like 5-9 is reserved for year 2000 and beyond). The 9th digit is even for women and odd for men. The 10th and 11th digit are fixed and derived from the rest of the numbers.
In conclusion, the system only leaves room for around 240 people per date of birth per gender (yes this system assumes 2 genders). So if the birth rate would have a spike, even just for a day, the system could be in trouble.
My kid is 4 months old. Is a screech and a poop a confirmation?
Not sure if this is a thing everywhere, but a lot of bakeries around here will serve baked goods on a plate with a napkin under the baked goods. Not a big problem with things like croissants, but when cakes and stuff with sticky bottoms are served like this, it drives me insane. Both the purpose of the napkin and the plate has been defeated.
It’s a unique and magic circle which forms every single time I decide to use public transport.
It’s a lot to lose over the mere fact that the headphone jack cable got stuck on door handles and got ripped out of the ears. But I’ll concede to that list of issues. I’m sick of several decades of spontaneous and violent loss of audio.
I have an inflatable garden toy - a set of 2 pigs to play a jumbo version of Pass the Pigs. There is a warning on the inflatable toys:
“This is not an inflatable toy.”
So I wouldn’t ve surprised if Cyber Truck had some similar warning. “This is not a car. Do not allow it to get wet.”
I hope I recall correctly: I was watching an episode of wan-show where they looked into a backpack returned from a miner after heavy wear, but little real damage. Live on the show they wanted to showcase the double bottom, so they cut into it (can’t recall if this was in the miners backpack or another one) and were surprized to realize there wasn’t a double bottom. Linus quickly assured, still live, that this would be handled for all customers.
LMG did blame the manifactures of the backpack for removing a layer in a late stage design adjustment, but LMG have also alledegly taken a huge cost on assuring customers that they can receive a new backpack for free if the bottom fails for any reason.
My memoery of this might be fuzzy, and the story I have heard comes fully from LMGs perspective, so take everything with a grain of salt.
All of their thumbnails are unfortunately click-baity. They spoke about ut in an older video. Apparently, the click-baity images drive too much traffic for them to justify something more subtle.
While driving, I was using google maps on android auto when I wanted to find the nearest charging station. So I used the search function in google maps. By tapping the microphone button. IN GOOGLE MAPS. Saying clearly: “Charging station”. TO GOOGLE MAPS.
“Ok. Playing playlist ‘Charging station’ by [some random user] in spotify”
… Nothing.
Apparently my girlfriend, who was at home, was using Spotify at that time. So it changed the playlist for her.
Technology is great.
Easy. Just share the scripts in a reasonable advance to allow actors either withdraw from the project or brace/prepare themselves for the uncomfortable scenes.
Just to be a counterweight: I have ~15 hours in BG3. At some point I just realized it’s not for me. I can’t really put my finger on it, but it just doesn’t strike any nerve for what I enjoy in video games.
Skyrim, however was my favorite game through the 2010s, with probably north of 500 hours across multiple platforms.
Maybe it’s something about the pacing and freedom to disregard the story elements.
My pronouns are “I” and “me”. I should probably get that changed.
Similarly to religion and the bible, words mean whatever people want them to mean.
I brought a used bottle of vegetable oil as my drinking bottle to an event. What I didn’t consider was that the bottle resembled a vodka bottle, so while I was taking sips of it and thought it was funny, people just thought I was a raging alcoholic.
But people under a certain age are required a child seat, no? So unless those rules are changed, it would be hard for any pregnant woman to legally sit in a moving car.
Having stress related bowel issues, I can assure you that you are in luck that it works that way for you and not the other way around like it seems to work for me.
We used to have a server at my university which a polish guy set up. It received the name brzeczyszczykiewich. We decided that the server was secure enough by name, so we only put a trivial password on it for remote connection.