• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Hm, on the one hand this could be survivorship bias, i.e. only a lucky few scripts in stone have made it through. If you left enough of these glass discs or other modern media in very specific conditions they might also withstand thousands/millions of years maybe?

    On the other hand, I think the amount of data and the corresponding resolution is important, too. If you’d try to store petabytes (or more) worth of data you’d have to carve really really tiny scriptures into stone unless you want mountains of stones just to save some bits of data. But the moment you scale your resolution up and your data engraving gets much smaller, you’ll also get a much more error prone, susceptible system. So even stones with tiny scriptures would certainly not be able to survive millions of years (at least the vast majority of them).

  • Great video, thanks! Regarding the over representation of certain concepts/things I have been disappointed from day one by generative AI. If you want it to draw you something obscure it miserably fails and tries to fall back on stuff it knows. Also all the discriminatory biases generative AI has about different people because of lacking data sets. It is very obvious that it cannot “outperform” its own data input (like the exciting curve in the video) but that it will rather stagnate.

  • But tiktok the company is? And there are certainly also people on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and even Lemmy rallying to support Palestine. And that’s what you tried to avoid with your “argument” in the first place, that many us companies are far worse in spreading misinformation. How does your one very specific point prove anything? And why focus on this one at all? Meanwhile fox news especially has been rallying against all kinds of minorities since forever in the US. You have very weak arguments here, maybe you just want to have tiktok banned? But then just say so outright.

  • Lol, as the others already commented, you clearly have no clue. I have an old Pixel 4 (bought it refurbished for like 300€ 3 years ago) and run a custom rom on it. It just works great, no complaints. Meaning that I never ever had to fiddle around or seen any error codes like you described. I don’t see ads, ever. It is much more privacy respecting, I don’t have any Google/Apple app stores. I can run cracked software on it so I don’t have to pay for premium. I can also have much more control over what apps are allowed to do and what not. And everyone is envious of the pictures it takes, too (I do a lot of macro photography on it). So how is this any worse than an iPhone that constantly spies on you and has a closed ecosystem?