• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I’m glad you’ve had better luck with Katchy than I did. I bought it because of a personal recommendation, but it didn’t really work long enough for me to determine if it was better than sticky traps.

    Plus I’m the weirdo with a soft spot for moths, so I just generally leave them to fight it out with the spiders :). I cannot handle the fungus gnats flying up my nose, though. It doesn’t seem to matter if there is one fungus gnat or fifty - they all think there’s a party in my nostrils.

  • You mentioned pest control in the soil - have you tried mosquito bits? I ended up mixing some in with the soil for a Monstera and I also put a layer over the top and it does seem to make a difference. I do have to combine it with those unsightly yellow sticky traps, though. Between plants and the inverts I keep, my house is full of containers of damp dirt.

    In case anyone is thinking about getting a katchy, you can read the reviews, but I give it a thumbs-down. I used it only a few times before fall and it worked okay, but when I pulled it out again in the spring I just get orange error lights and no response when I reached out to them.

  • I know communities like these can get a little silly and they’re easy to make fun of, but they really do serve an important purpose, IMO. The number of people who have to be told that it’s not normal for your partner to scream at you, or that no, your partner actually isn’t a great person if they do fill in the blank is really sad to me. And for every person asking, there are certainly more lurking that can also benefit from reading that. They might have to wade through a bunch of nonsense and AI-generated stories to find it, but I’m glad there’s a place for it.