Former Reddit power-lurker who decided to be an active participant instead.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Yeah, came on a bit strong, didn’t I? But you are right of course. I’m not really such a grouch as this comment may have implied. Sad thing is, I’m old enough and lucky enough to probably be dead before the shit really hits the fan. It’s the young that’s gonna feel the brunt of it, and possibly sooner than they expect. I grew up in the 70s and we had hope and a feeling that pretty much anything was possible. The cold war was a bit of a bummer, but the feeling was that we could change things for the better if we tried hard enough. I don’t see that anymore and I’m pretty sad about it.

    I know I’ll be ok. Probably. But it’s not about me. I’ve had a pretty good life, all things considered. Ups and downs, sure, but it’s the hopelessness of these times that worry me. We had hope for a better future and kids today won’t have that. All because my generation and those before us are selfish fucks who only look to number one.

  • What the fuck is wrong with people?

    That’s rhetorical and I have a fair understanding about why this is happening. It’s just so bloody frustrating not knowing how to turn this shit around and open the eyes of gen pop to this. People just don’t want to accept that unless we do something right quick, we’re fucked. We might be fucked even if we do everything right, starting tomorrow. And still, pretty much nothing, or token agreements that are cheap enough and not too disruptive to the almighty economy and doesn’t disrupt availability of cheap crap from China and other low cost countries with little to no worker safety or even regard for human life. I’m not saying I’m not part of the problem myself, cuz I sure as hell am. I try to do the right things, but far from all the time and it’s far, far from enough. This needs to come from the top to have an effect, but most, if not all, governments have their lips firmly between the cheeks of very large economic interests that need their diagrams to always be pointing up, no matter what.

    I don’t know. If they weren’t such fascist autocratic ass kissers I’d be tempted to join lemmygrad. Revolution, baby. Seriously though, people here seem like an intelligent and rather handsome lot with their hearts in all the right places, so I ask you, what the fuck can we do?

    I leave you with a pic of my cat to take the edge off.

  • I actually thought XP looked like a toy OS full of bloat when it came out and way too flashy and trying too hard to be more 98/ME-like to attract consumers. 98/ME was pretty crap even if I have fond memories of gamimg on it, but it crashed all the f&@%£ time. You just learned to live with it. W2k/2003 was a whole lot more stable and a “real” OS, not some house of cards built on top of DOS. Boring, oh yes, and not many games worked at first, but stable and with networking that wasn’t just an afterthought. XP was better for gaming and it was possible to de-LEGO-fy it somewhat. The silver theme was actually pretty ok, once you got used to it, but I don’t miss it at all.

    I didn’t much care for W1.0, either. Or long pig, if you get that reference. 👴