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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • No, in theory, they work like a well-funded savings account: you put in a predictable amount of money every month, and they store it for you until you need to withdraw it; with an added benefit that they would allow you to withdraw more than you have (internally using other people’s money to cover the difference) under the assumption that any shortfalls that result will all come out in the wash eventually; some people overpay, some people underpay, and you invest what you have in low-risk investments in the meantime. All insurance companies work like that in theory, or at least that’s what they tell regulators. But in reality, they don’t pay out nearly enough to provide the consistency people need.

  • I’ve been working in full stack for long enough to know that history manipulation is as much a part of the modern web as images and email. I’m not trying to be flippant, that’s just the state of the modern web. Single-page apps are here, and that’s a good thing. They’re being used badly, and that’s endemic to all features. So no, history manipulation is not “bad functionality,” though I admit it’s not fully baked in its current implementation.

  • I’d prefer not to let the bad actors dictate browser design.

    “Let’s get rid of images since companies can use images to spoof browserchrome elements.”

    “Let’s get rid of text since scammers can pretend to be sending messages from the computer’s operating system.”

    “Let’s get rid of email since phishing exists.”

    Nah. We can do some stuff (like the aforementioned forked history) to ameliorate the problem, and if it’s well-known enough, companies won’t find it necessary anymore. Heck, browsers like Firefox would probably even let you select Canonical Back as the default Back Button behavior, and then you can have the web the way you want it (like people who disable Javascript).

  • I don’t know about “easily.” replaceState() is actually intended to make single-page apps easier to use, by allowing you to use your back button as expected even when you’re staying on the same URL the entire time.

    Likewise, single-page apps are intended to be faster and more efficient than downloading a new static page that’s 99.9% identical to the old one every time you change something.

    Fixing this bad experience would eliminate the legitimate uses of replaceState().

    Now, what they could do is track your browser history “canonically” and fork it off whenever Javascript alters its state, and then allow you to use a keyboard shortcut (Alt + Back, perhaps?) to go to the “canonical” previous item in history instead of to the “forked” previous item.