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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023

  • Maine police has done what they always do. He has been hearing voices, he is mentally ill so it’s obviously that and nothing else! but his family and colleagues say his mental health only started to decline this summer, he even had an inpatient stay, and they didn’t take his guns. Let’s ignore the mass exodus of mental health professionals in this state, how Maine police won’t take guns away from clearly unstable people, or how they bully people with known diagnosed mental illness.

    Our state has a lot of holes in the system. It feels like it’s on purpose at this point. It’s really hard to have a mental illness here and not be afraid for your safety.

  • Listen, I live in a state where anyone who commits a violent crime, before they catch the person the police say, “he was hallucinating, they were hearing voices” aka mental illness is why they are doing this as a way to take away more rights. Also in this state if you are in a conservatorship for mental illness you legally are barred from voting. How can you say hallucination is not a loaded term? It is different from headache because people are not stigmatized for migraines. No one is taking away your voting rights for migraines. No one is saying you are a murderer for migraines.

  • I know how it is used in a non psychiatric way, I brought that up it can be used in colloquially. That doesn’t diminish the way that it can be used to harm and stigmatize an already stigmatized group of people. There are other terms that can be used, but this is used because people want to humanize AI and do not care about dehumanizing people who have psychotic disorders.

    The fact of the matter remains that AI creators are not people who specialize in human brains, but they act like computers and human brains are one and the same. Similarity doesn’t equal the same processes. They can choose different language but they do not. They could call it a processing error, a glitch, a distortion. All would be accurate, but no, they chose a term that is harmful to a minority group because no one cares about stigmatizing them.

  • Those aren’t quite the same as a hallucination. We don’t actually call them hallucinations. Hallucinations are a medical term. Those are visual disturbances not “controlled hallucinations”. Your brain filtering it out and the ability to ignore it makes it not a hallucination. It’s hallucinations in a colloquial sense not medical.

    Fundamentally AI is not working the same, you are having a moment of where a process from when in the past every shadow was a potential danger so seeing a threat in the shadow first and triggering fight or flight is best for you as a species. AI has no fight or flight. AI has no motivation, AI just had limited, bad, or biased data that we put there and spits out garbage. It is a computer with no sentience. You are not really error checking, you are processing more information, or reassessing once the fight/flight goes down. AI doesn’t have more information to process.

    Many don’t see people with psychotic disorders as equal people. They see them as dangerous, and and people to be locked away. They use their illnesses and problems as jokes and slurs. Using terms for their illness in things like this only adds to their stigma.

  • As a person who has done machine learning, and some ai training and who has a psychotic disorder I hate they call it hallucinations. It’s not hallucinations. Human hallucinations and ai hallucinations are different things. One is based of limited data , bias, or a bad data set with builds a fundamentally bad neural network connection which can be repaired. The other is something that can not be repaired, you are not working with bad data, your brain can’t filter out data correctly and you are building wrong connections. It’s like an overdrive of input and connections that are all wrong. So you’re seeing things, hearing things, or believing things that aren’t real. You make logical leaps that are irrational and not true and reality splits for you. While similarities exist, one is because people input data wrong, or because they cleaned it wrong, or didn’t have enough. And the other is because the human brain has wiring problem caused by a variety of factors. It’s insulting and it also humanizes computers to much and degrades people with this illness.

  • I’m running a slightly older computer, that I need to upgrade my memory and graphics card on. The only reason I am going to try this when it comes out and not just keep playing City Skylines 1 is that it is a day one release on Game Pass. I’m not sure with the performance issues my computer will handle it and I haven’t really seen much conversation about specs required, so I’m concerned. My system was mid tier 4 years ago so if it is running bad on high tier systems today…

  • Secondary trauma is very real. I’ve done freelance work around focus groups for some traumatic things and the person I worked with on it made sure that I had proper support for it. That I took time to process the disturbing things. I don’t understand why when they obviously found a video that violated guidelines that they had to watch the entire thing if they weren’t going to give them proper psychological supports or processing time.

    Jobs that involve this type of imagery are traumatic and should be treated as such. Extra vacation time, proper psychological support not just “your doing import work” but actual trauma processing work. But when has a large company like Meta cared about its employees?