Thanks, but not really as the “time capsule” feature would be lost since the email would be sitting in my future-/scheduled-folder.
But in the end that might be what I end up doing if I can’t find a suitable service.
Thanks, but not really as the “time capsule” feature would be lost since the email would be sitting in my future-/scheduled-folder.
But in the end that might be what I end up doing if I can’t find a suitable service.
I think there are a few of those, but as with everything targeted to scared relatives/caretakers it is quite expensive and hard to tell how it will age.
Nope, that is a good point.
I think I wrote my original message in a slightly distressed state after a quite bad event where she needed to get in contact with anybody and couldn’t.
After some thinking and time away from that scary incident it is quite clear that this mostly is a XY situation (as someone thought) and just getting her a bracelet for her alarm is probably as big a technological fix there can be.
Thanks, this looks like a superfun little gadget.
Unfortunately it lacks any kind of sound output[1] so it doesn’t cut it for my intended use.
Thank you, it is evident that I’m having trouble to define my needs and wants in this domain. I’m learning a lot.
Your idea is rather opposite of what I’m looking for and I apologize for not being clear enough.
It is my understanding that many of these devices are health focused but I’m not looking health stuff unless it can be relayed to and used by her professional caregivers.
I’m looking for a wearable basic phone to receive and make calls.
Thanks, this looks promising, I’ll investigate.
But also thanks for giving me the word “delayed” to use in my searches. Sometimes it’s hard to remember good synonyms.