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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Maybe you’re right. But I don’t really bother to try and read too deep into the motivations of any kind of corporation. I assume they’re all primarily motivated by profit. And my point is that individuals who have the capital to buy millions of dollars of real estate are functionally no different from a corporate investor, be it a REIT or a “housing company” motivated solely by “providing service.” They’re all going to do the bare minimum as required by the market to stay competitive and government regulation.

  • It should be illegal for LLCs or trust funds to purchase housing of any kind.

    I completely agree that LLCs, REITs, and institutional investors shouldn’t be able to buy single family homes (and maybe even duplexes), but I don’t know about “housing of any kind.”

    Large, multi family units like apartment buildings serve a vital need in the affordable housing market. Private individuals who have the capital to purchase a multi million dollar apartment building aren’t any more likely to be a conscientious landlord than a corporation. At that point, it all boils down to effective enforcement of tenant rights laws.

  • Because the major export product of the United States is American culture. UFO/alien abduction/government cover-ups are kinda baked into American popular culture at this point. Just the idea that the government is simultaneously incompetent yet able to successfully hide far reaching evidence of alien visitation is as American as baseball and apple pie.

    I’ve no doubt people are looking up at the night sky all over the world and seeing things that they think are possibly alien craft. I’ve also no doubt that there are stories and folklore about abductions in every country on earth. But American culture is insidious and infects just about everything. This forces every other event to be reframed in reference to the American UFO phenomenon.

  • This would be kinda fun to play with from a “game theory” standpoint too. Unscrupulous people could attempt to maximize their pizza consumption and minimize their capital investment by claiming to not be very hungry and being willing to eat the most common toppings.

    Perhaps the app could have a function at the end to “rate” the participant diners? You could pass your phone around one more time and people could assign a “trustworthiness score” to one another.