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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2023

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlBeware of security risks!
    7 hours ago

    the west is not really a geographic term, and its not really well defined either it has 3 main uses:

    most commonly: the west: as in western europe and their settlers colonial offshoots (excluding Spanish and Portuguese ones but including the Spanish and Portuguese themselves)

    most uselessly and confusing: the west: as in the global north (also not geographic) in its entirety

    and less commonly: the west: as in all european cultures or cultures derived from europe, so most of europe and all settler colonies

  • i mean not just the south, the west and midwest too where do u think he got all those ideas about contiguous “living space” and about exterminating the people who already live in the land u want to steel and about consecration camps and reservations that continuously move towards a frontier until the displaced people have nowhere to go, amerikkka from its very inception was the template for nazi germany.

  • They arent really trying to make the site unusable with adblocker they are trying to bypass adblockers which is fundamentally different. And they gave up months ago theyll go at it again sure but for now they arent doing much about it. If they trully wanted to just disallow adblockers they could and it would be trivial, there are plenty of websites that do it certainly google could figure it out but they dont because that would push away a subtantial number of users and clearly those users are still worth having even if they are not seeing ads, presumably because of the data they are still harvesting and the numbers number of users and the word of mouth.

    anyways maybe u should stop licking the boots of fucking google of all companies and make a real argument against adblockers like that it actually meaningfully hurts smaller websites, because not only would i not give a shit if youtube went under somehow i would be fucking dancing in its grave.

  • truth is u were the cable elves all along, u never put back the cables neatly after u take one from the drawer where u keep them all in a ball, u never rearrange ur existing cables when u run new cables, and u never re organize them when u messed them up while moving other things. U are the elves.

  • this is the fucking problem with westoids they dont fucking know anything about anything, they think that because the largest terrorist organization on earth (the CIA) told them that Taliban are terrorist they just are, the Taliban is the fucking government of Afghanistan, do they suck? yeah about as much as a fucking black hole, are they terrorist? obviously not. Are they better than the amerikkkan occupation? obviously. Why do they suck? because amerikkka fucking made to oppose a communist revolution. Like holy fuck can yall learn literally anything about history, can u atleast know something literally anything about the countries u invade.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVote!
    15 days ago

    dude did u even fucking read my comment can u even read, should i even be writing this, i literally said that i dont disagree that the dems are marginally better and that if it made a difference i would vote for them. BUT that doesnt change the fuck that they are both on the same fucking side they both serve capital they both love genocide they both want to murder brown people neither gives a shit about u. 2 fucking things can be true at once and hopefully u arent too fucking brain dead yet to understand that. like holy fuck dude u said the exact same meaningless dribble 3 fucking comments in a row.

    maybe u should stop fucking campaigning for genocide joes sidekick, and start spending ur time doing something that would actually make a difference, maybe (to use ur shit analogy) u should start organizing an anti arsonist watch, instead of going around trying to convince people to vote for the less bad arsonist, like vote for the dems if it matters in ur state but fuck ur time cant possibly be worth so little that u would spend it trying to convince people to vote the dems.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVote!
    16 days ago

    i could copy my entire last response to u here again and it would be equally valid, because u have said literally nothing that u didnt already say and that i didnt already respond to, to safe myself the annoyance how about u just read it again untill u get it.

  • linkhidalgogato@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVote!
    17 days ago

    I dont disagree, if voting in amerikkka didnt involve doxing urself and i lived in a state where it made a difference and i had nothing better to do that day i would vote for the dems, but they are both arsonist and both want to burn ur house down, they are on the same side and only disagree in matters of detail.