The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024

  • Claiming “multiple patent rights” without mentioning smells like kafkatrapping.

    I think that Nintendo’s delayed reaction was to gauge how much money it could get from bullying Pocketpair to accept some unfavourable settlement outside the court; if too little the costs would be too high to bother, considering the risk, but now that Palworld sold a bazillion it’s more profitable to do so. It might actually backfire if Palworld decides to go through the whole thing, I don’t know how Japanese law works in this regard but if Nintendo loses this certainly won’t look good for them, and even if they win it might be a pyrrhic victory.

  • Here in Curitiba it’s this church:

    It’s constantly maintained and renovated, but the building is 287 years old, built in 1737. (For reference the city itself is 331yo.)

    It’s kind of funny that people here don’t typically remember the name of that church, Igreja da Ordem (Church of the Order; the “order” in question are the Franciscans). Instead they remember the name of the square that the church faces, named after the church - o Largo da Ordem (lit. “Order Plaza”, but more like “the plaza of the church of the Order”).

  • Perhaps she associated bathtub = attention and feeling good afterwards? Cats do show some sort of weak “past cause, present effect” connection.

    In Kika’s case I don’t have an idea, as the place changes from time to time. It used to be on the stairs, then on the sisal mat, now the box. It’s kind of annoying when I’m taking my morning yerba though, as I’m in the kitchen and she’s meowing constantly.

  • Kika (16?yo): she likes to be petted, but she’s wants to be petted in a very specific corner of the house - currently her cardboard box, but it changes over time. So she begs me “pet me, pet me!”, then as I move my hand to pet her she runs to the box, and keeps meowing. Until I go pet her in the cardboard box.

    Siegfrieda (7?yo): I don’t know what’s weirder: looking at the rain and meowing at me as if saying “can’t you stop it?”, watching anime with me, or the “overly attached girlfriend” face that she does when someone is eating yoghurt.

  • At least when it comes to languages, the eurocentrism and subjectivity are being addressed for at least a century. Sapir for example proposed that the “classical languages” weren’t just two but five - Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit. And the definition became roughly “varieties with a heavy and outlasting impact outside their native communities”. (Personally I’d also add Sumerian, Quechua and Nahuatl to that list. But that’s just me.)

    Additionally plenty linguists see the idea of “classic” not as specific languages, but as a potential stage of a language, assigned retroactively to the period when its prestige and cultural production were specially strong. For example, Classical Ge’ez is defined as the one from centuries XIII~XIV.

  • It’s interesting how interconnected those points are.

    Generative A"I" drives GPU prices up. NVidia now cares more about it than about graphics. AMD feels no pressure to improve GPUs.

    Stagnant hardware means that game studios, who used to rely on “our game currently runs like shit but future hardware will handle it” and similar assumptions get wrecked. And gen A"I" hits them directly due to FOMO + corporates buying trends without understanding how the underlying tech works, so wasting talent by firing people under the hopes that A"I" can replace it.

    Large game companies are also suffering due to their investment on the mobile market. A good example of is Ishihara; sure, Nintendo simply ignored his views on phones replacing consoles, but how many game company CEOs thought the same and rolled with it?

    I’m predicting that everything will go down once it becomes common knowledge that LLMs and diffusion models are 20% actual usage, 80% bubble.

  • There was a time that people prefixed my nickname with “Wiki-”, because apparently I stand out for knowing a bit about everything. I don’t quite agree with it but hey, at least it’s something nice.

    My accent (when speaking Portuguese) also stands out, apparently. Outside my city people are quick to identify where I’m from; and yet in my own city people often ask me where I’m from.

  • You know, the ban here was enlightening for me, about certain people from my social circles. Four examples:

    1. Resumed Twitter shitposting in Bluesky. Different URL. No mention of Twitter.
    2. Cheering Twitter being gone, as they were only using it due to their contacts, but felt like shit for doing it. Criticising how Moraes did it, but not the goal itself.
    3. LARPs as against fascism but screeches nonstop in Bluesky about Twitter being gone, as they think that the world revolves around their own convenience.
    4. Left microblogging altogether.

    But I digress (as this has barely anything to do with the OP). Those people like Musk are bound to “creatively reinterpret” the words: in one situation orange is yellow, in another it’s red, both, neither. Sometimes it isn’t “ackshyually” related to red or yellow, it’s “inverted blue”. And suckers fall for it. That’s what Musk is doing with fascism.

  • The text says “several”, but it mentions only four components (gdebi, apturl, aptdaemon and mintcommon-aptdaemon) merged into two (captain, aptkit). It doesn’t look like much, and typically the Mint project is responsible to not claim to maintain more than it can maintain¹.

    In special, I remember gdebi being broken for quite a while², so this hints that Mint’s goal is to get properly maintained replacements.

    1. As shown by Cinnamon. I personally don’t like it, but it is well maintained, even being a huge project.
    2. If I recall correctly, the issue was with the associated gdebi-gtk frontend; you’d open a package with it, then click “install”, then the program exits because it’s looking for sudo instead of pkexec. I’m almost certain that it was fixed by now, but it does show general lack of maintainance.