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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Same thing I play every week. Coral Island and RCT3.

    Coral Island is in Steam Early Access and is as yet unfinished, but is making steady progress and the devs are doing great at keeping everyone up to date on progress. Coral Island is frequently compared to Stardew Valley. Frankly, I don’t enjoy SDV. I’ve tried and tried and it just doesn’t do it for me. Coral Island is everything I was hoping SDV would be. It’s game play is similar, but I find the whole thing much more enjoyable.

    I’ve been playing RCT3 off and on since I first bought it on CD a million years ago.

  • First: Good. Everyone deserves good and safe working conditions (and reasonable pay).

    I have the same mixed feelings about Amazon as I do about Walmart. They underpay and overwork their employees, and treat them as replaceable cogs. They often gouge the companies that supply their stock. Their customer service ranges from “OK” to “forget it.”

    But as someone living with a low income, I often don’t have a choice. Amazon’s “subscribe and save” program can save me significant money on bulk products, and sometimes Walmart’s prices are the best when I don’t have much money for the rest of what I need.

    If you have the choice, I encourage you to choose to avoid these companies. But for those of us struggling to make ends meet, we’re stuck having to give business to companies that not only help create people like me, but depend on our need for them. Please remember that when there are calls that everyone has to stop using them.

  • Redditinc.com’s fact(oid)s about the API changes.

    Includes such BS as

    100,000+ active communities

    Technically true. But it’s estimated that between 1/3 and 1/2 are NSFW. That is, the subs they don’t want shown at their (mythical) IPO.

    Supporting these apps is not free for Reddit; they incur both infrastructure and significant opportunity costs.

    Technically true. But so does the official app, and web browsers. API calls are not some sort of special magic that causes extra wear on the systems. If the users never had the third party apps they’d be using something else, causing the same traffic and usage - or using nothing at all.

    Reddit needs to be a self-sustaining business and to do that, we can no longer subsidize commercial entities that require large-scale data use from our API.

    Again, third party apps are no more of a drain on data use than anything else. It’s been proven, but Spez keeps pushing this lie.

    Many other platforms have chosen to stop supporting apps like these altogether.

    Objection! Facts not in evidence.

    more than 98% of apps do not pay and will continue to access the Data API for free so long as apps are not monetized […].

    Emphasis mine. This is the real story.

    Our pricing is based on usage levels comparable to our own costs

    Either this is an outright lie or Spez is admitting that the official Reddit app is an inefficient, data monching, piece of garbage.

    We’re working to improve the mobile mod experience

    Spez has been promising rainbows for years but all we ever get is poop. Or just the smell of poop. That the mobile apps were released without proper moderator tools tells you what he thinks of moderators.

    We have a unique system of checks and balances, and we respect the communities right to protest.

    Clearly a lie, given that Spez is going to change the rules to force out moderators who choose to follow their sub’s wishes to protest.

    r/nottheonion is asking users to vote, including a fun option that encourages people to take Tuesdays off

    The “fun option” is an official means of joining the protest. Can he stop lying for 10 seconds?

    We conducted an accessibility audit with an external consultant and have been working on improving accessibility on the site and in our apps.

    Yes, much smarter than actually TALKING TO YOUR OWN USERS AND SEEING WHAT THEY WANT. Oh, they want what you refuse to do? Gee, what a surprise!

    Nothing says ableism more than telling people with disabilities that they have no agency in how or if they get accommodations. (Sadly, the ADA does not apply to Reddit as a website.)

    In summary, Spez needs to be fired. Preferably out of a cannon, into the sun.

  • Another for Ublock Origin

    Youtube Enhancer

    Imagus [enlarges images, great for my old tired eyeballs]

    Ad Observer (run by Cybersecurity for Democracy project at New York University, it examines any ads you DO get to look for patterns in how advertising is being used to influence people on social media.)

    To Google Translate (Highlight something and send it straight to a Translate page)

  • NSFW posts weren’t the primary reason why /r/all got limits. /r/all was littered with hate and bigotry and general garbage. If /r/all had been left alone, Reddit would have continued on the path to becoming Voat.

    Not modifying, to some degree, what subreddits appear on /r/all would have made trying to remove the bigotry off the site that much harder. (It will never completely go away; the site is too huge at this point.) While they should have used the idea of quarantines long before they started out with flat-out removal of these subs, these weren’t just “[racist slur] are dumb” type of stuff. These were subs that outright called for the violence and death of people who weren’t them. These were places for racists and bigots who had no qualm about doxxing people with hopes that bad things would happen to them.

    You can argue “Well, then, ban the people who do that kind of thing!” Sometimes when the pool gets full of scum, you have to recognize the point where spot cleaning isn’t the cure and you have to drain the pool to stop the scum from gathering.

  • There’s already been noise on the ModCood subreddit about “What if this fails? What next?”

    I don’t think protests like this alone are going to cut it. If they haven’t figured this out already, they need to realize that this doesn’t cut their ad revenue enough to make a difference. A coordinated campaign against Reddit advertisers would be a big blow. The disability issues alone should make advertisers pause.

    OTOH, I do like Lemmy.

  • My Moose Sense was tingling and I decided to check on the subs I moderate on Reddit. Sure enough, there were issues.

    One of the three subs was set to ‘restricted’ (nobody can post or comment but the sub is still open), not private. (I’ll pedantically put my explanation for this at the bottom so you can ignore it).

    However, the seniorest mod, who is never around (seriously, his last post/comment was 10 years ago!), decided the sub should be private, not restricted. And he’d tried to do it himself, but because he hadn’t been around for at least two years, the site wouldn’t let him make the change! So I’ve changed it and it’s now private.

    Additionally, a report troll appeared, because he couldn’t make any comments. I guess that’s an even better reason to make it private.

    [you can now ignore my exposition blather]

    The sub was set to restricted instead of private because, well, part of this protest is also about people with vision impairments not being able to use the iOS mobile app and relying on 3rd party apps. If a subreddit is private, any message set by the moderators (“This sub is private because…”) is not displayed by the Reddit mobile app. So the idea was, restrict access so any regular mobile reader would be sure to know what we were doing. But with 7000+ subs dark, I don’t think it’s any great mystery any more.