I guess it’s just one of those decades.

  • 22 Posts
Joined 3 days ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2024


  • I think they are kind of bemused by US politics, whereas Turkey and Saudi Arabia and Israel have a much more direct involvement as they wish to get a better deal out of their masters.

    Putin talks about how he prefers Harris now, the Chinese joke online that Trump’s trade war would help them. It’s counterintuitive, but none of it fits the election interference claims of Dems or GOP.

    If anyone were serious about fixing the rigging of our elections they wouldn’t be talking about malign influence on public opinion at all. It has zero effect on policy statistically.

  • If you only care about the imperialists and their compradors when they’re fucking you over personally at home and not when they’re funding 6 different factions in Syria against Assad, you’re just shooting yourself in the foot, that’s very shortsighted. Syria’s Evil Regime has actually fought for Palestine and Lebanon, and Hezbollah has fought for Syria. We can talk about getting rid of the Baathists and the Houthis after the imperialists are gone.

    Until then, this is idealism to me. Imperialism is not a tool to depose “dictators”, that leaves shattered states like Libya and Sudan.

    If you simply enjoy talking to Syrian refugees to use them as ammunition online, well, of course you want to destroy the Syrian state. That will give you loads of new refugees to talk to!

    This modern definition of authoritarianism is purely used as a tool by imperialists. All this talk of repression creating ISIS is a fig leaf over the necklace of ears collecting specops projects that trained and directed them.

  • One of my best online friends is Egyptian, by the way. He talks about Israel’s geopolitical role keeping Arab countries deindustrialized.

    He talks about what worms many Egyptians are about Israel. He talks about those who aren’t often change their tune after being tortured. I talk to him almost every day. So don’t feel written off because you’re Egyptian. Just because they’ve really done a number on Egypt. Samir Amin talks a lot about how its emergence was stymied by imperialists. You live in a comprador state half beaten to death, and you gloat over how many refugees there are from Syria, a country illegally occupied by US coalition. Pig. Pig!

  • Iran and Russia have never done anything like what Israel is doing, this ridiculous comparison mainly exists in the minds of Western commentators who earn their keep by agreeing with Washington. Not to mention they are nations with thousands of years of history and will not be going anywhere when Uncle Sam’s money dries up.

    This entire project you picked up of comparing Israel to Russia has done nothing to help Ukrainians or Palestinians. It has simply muddied the waters further. No, Israel was not “provoked”, Palestine was provoked. And yes, Russia and Iran were provoked by the same US alliance.

    What about India, where Hindutva has been ethnically cleansing Muslims this entire time? No it’s just parroting the rogues gallery of Washington. There is no detail, only your useless addition to the WAPO oped comments section.

  • It’s 2024 and you’re cheering on US backed “moderate rebels” which are as much of a plague on the Syrian population as Turkey and ISIS. Grow up. The OPCW melted down over the inability to prove that Assad gassed his own civilians just because he hates them so much (a likely story). The symptoms in the footage don’t even match sarin, the mouth foaming is more characteristic of chlorine. The smear mirrors numerous other US attempts to fabricate cassus belli against a peripheral country in West Asia or Africa.

    Your sweet little based Kurdish militias’ permission won’t factor into the removal of US bases from that territory. That is currently being conducted by the Axis of Resistance.

    To return to the remarkably simply question which preceded your gibbering recitation of the Washington-approved narrative, I define illegal as in flagrant violation of international law, not what is legal in the minds of Redditors who like to fantasize about going and LARPing as a war criminal before getting interviewed by Rolling Stone.