perhaps with some Led Zep-type analogues
perhaps with some Led Zep-type analogues
Yes. Money talks.
Archive without AI slop here
I just use this
SpaceX and Starlink next. I’m tired of funding his bullshit with my tax dollars.
Give a month will yah? I got puts at 170
Just because I and my family benefit now, doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way. Also again, I don’t want to support or platform an app that charges others, who are not me, to share their own collection.
If they want to charge for the Plex TV or Plex Movies they host, and leave the app free of cost for a person’s own personal collection to be shared. That’s fine.
I have no confidence that’ll happen though.
Cool, now they can correct the “mistake” made regarding Army Maj. Gen. Charles C. Rogers …
Yes, that’s great for me and mine, but not for others. I don’t like to support or platform/promote applications that require a subscription for any access at all.
The problem is Plex aren’t Netflix in my usecase. I’m sharing my library with my friends.
Now if they’d like to charge for the content they host. Great more power to 'em, but I feel icky with a payment or subscription model that charges to deliver my collection to my friends and family.
So, like I said. I’ll likely start migrating to jellyfin and start the conversation with people in how to get the jellyfin app on whatever device they have.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CURRENT PLEX PASS HOLDERS: For users who have an active Plex Pass subscription, remote playback will continue to be available to you without interruption from any Plex Media Server, after these changes go into effect. When running your own Plex Media Server as a subscriber, other users to whom you have granted access can also stream from the server (whether local or remote), without ANY additional charge—not even a mobile activation fee. More on that later in this update.
I guess that’s something.
Gonna be a long slow explanation to my family and friends how to switch to jellyfin. Hopefully there’s an app ecosystem there as well. I was lucky to get a lifetime pass way back in 2009 when I did some work for them. It’s very different now.
Install using the debian net installer. Only add a GUI/Desktop Environment through command line and apt. Don’t use tasksel.
Do this on a laptop that’s not mission critical. Barring that, use Tails on a USB drive
If I could do it all over I’d pick jellyfin however plex is on more devices and easier for people to setup…for now.
However you may also be interested in the arr stack. For reasons.
Glad to hear it. Hopefully you have a long tenure there and the company grows at a sustainable rate. You’re in like 1% of the market.
You deserve to be there or they wouldn’t have hired you. You work with smart people who know their shit. They wouldn’t have you there if you didn’t contribute.
However remember that as soon as it starts to get bad jump ship or form a union. You only matter until that tiny company gets bought up by another larger company…like Amazon.
With the impending financial crisis expect there to be a lot of “consolidation” in the market.
Likely as not Chinese companies will profit through shell corporations and NGOs rebuilding Russia and Ukraine. The US could’ve but they dismantled USAID and are actively courting Russian interests in the region.
If domestic terrorism is such a focus why’d they shutter their KKK and White Nationalist investigations and kill their metadata tracking tool?