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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023

  • Tech companies are operated like any other company and have a wide range of employees. Also not every tech position is highly employable. I know from personal experience in tech middle management that many employees are very easy to replace and have very common skill sets that are oversaturated in the market. Many many tech workers are absolutely operating in survival mode in 2024.

  • Psychopath is being used in a colloquial way here and not an exact diagnosis. Even if they are actual psychopaths they are known for being very charismatic and there are a lot of sadomasochistic people in the world who are motivated by punishment.

    Further the people who work directly for these people want to be them, so they see it as just part of the process.

    Another factor is money, it’s a motivator. Those who work lower down the org chart can often be desperate, struggling to get by and get used to the punishment, convincing themselves that it would be worse elsewhere.

    The Idea that life is short and work just isn’t worth it comes from a place of privilege and the luxury of time for self reflection. Something not everyone can afford when one lives in survival mode.

  • I think the issue here is there is the rule book and then there is the reality we all live in. Like when you tell an adult as a kid you’re being picked on at school and they say “just tell the teacher”.

    Sometimes the situation doesn’t work out in your favor when you play by the rules.

    It could be argued that this person feared for her life because the man that was abusing her was caught and now free and he blames her. If he is intent on finding a way to murder her, a restraining order won’t stop him. So in her mind it’s either play by the rules and allow for the potential of having this man murder her at any moment, living with this thought every day of her life or take care of this problem herself and deal with the consequences which is spend time in prison alive or live in fear of death.

    I honestly sympathize and understand where this might be less revenge and more pre meditated self preservation.

  • I have this down the street from my house and I asked a lineman about it. He was saying they will never leave this on power lines, just on the telecom lines. The arborists work for the power company, because even thought the utility poles are jointly owned the power company has the highest risk so they are responsible for management.

    They will always remove the wood from power lines because wood is somewhat conductive, especially when it still fresh because of the water content. Leaving it on a high voltage line can increase the potential for a short. They don’t bother to cut them completely off the telecom lines because there is no risk of shock but a big risk to line damage. If they damage the telecom line they have to pay high fees to the telecom company for repair and risk creating an outage. Also the lines are designed to bear a certain amount of weight, as engineer have accounted for natural burdens like trees, ice and animals.

    Also the wood eventually rots after a few seasons and will eventually fall off on its own.

  • Yikes, ok I can buy the shit posting. I think it’s fair to say it didn’t go over well. Most of the Lemmy user base is your age, who remember the dial-up days of the Internets. Most of us grew up with the Trash 80 and C64s and Apples in the classroom, which is why we are drawn to the Fediverse. So don’t be surprised when you get brigaded over a BASIC syntax error, because from our perspective it came across like a 22 year old who was pretending to know what the old days were like, and making an irrelevant comment on a post about a rather tragic part of computing history. Fair enough, we done.

  • Not sure why you’re digging this hole, but okay… You claim to have 40 years experience, a retired software dev… BASIC has little relevance to the article OP posted… It doesn’t make much sense to post a hello world loop, further you can search for this loop and find thousand of syntax accurate examples, which any engineer would do normally, due to the PTSD of posting on public forums and being ripped to shreds for the most minor of typo…

    Why would you claim to run two lines through a compiler to check it? I mean there are endless interpreters and plenty of IDEs that would have caught the mistake as well.

    BASIC is a high level educational language to promote CS in the 80s and 90s, What does posting this here, and then misusing semi-colons, do to give you any credibility. Why not Lisp, COBOL or Fortran? Is it because your trying to steal credibility like Microsoft did? Make it make sense!

    And finally what in the world is this CC signature. Your on Lemmy, the not-for-profit decentralized forum. Creative Commons licensing is for scenarios that involve commerce. Everything anyone posts here is free to use because there really is no way to enforce copyright on content where the owner cannot be identified and no single entity owns the federation. Unless Cosmic Cleric is your legal name…

  • This is just political theater to make it seem like the Governor is doing something. Colombia, and much of Latin America, has a much larger issue being extremely wealthy countries with vastly poor populations.

    These countries are being kept this way purposely so that they can be exploited by much wealthier nations(US, Spain, France, Netherlands, India). This breeds a culture of self regulation and minimal government intervention, riddled with corruption and a populace left to their own devices.

    Prostitution in the touristic areas hasn’t been stopped at all, just pushed a little underground while the cops look the other way, because they are also customers.

    Fixing this problem requires something that won’t occur in our lifetimes. Which is unfortunate as Colombia is one of the most beautiful and magical places on earth. Antioquia specifically is such an amazing place and the Paisa people are so unique and kind. Really beautiful when isolated cultures can survive this long.

  • Good point, but it even solidifies what I am saying even more. Even with everything Coppola has done he still had to put up his own money, I mean he did this before with Apocalypse Now and had to mortgage his house.

    Despite running Zoetrope since the early 70s and making a long string of commercial successes, no one wants to front the money.

    Thing is he will probably make more on the backend anyway since he is taking all the risk and once it’s done he’ll have no trouble finding distribution. Hell, he’ll could probably self distribute and make insane amounts of money.

    Hollywood is on a slow track to irrelevance just like TV. Who would have thought that Coppolas famous “fat girl in Ohio” statement would be about himself…

  • The things that makes me sad is the only way something like this can get made in the studios is if the names attached are guaranteed to draw a crowd. Everything else is safe and calculated.

    40 years ago “Hollywood” started to pretend that it was making pencils and not art. That every production had to be a safe sure thing. Let’s all make the McDonald’s hamburger of movies just about every time, we’ll let you take a chance if you break a billion in profit but otherwise we want vanilla predictable serotonin juicers and nothing else…

    I won’t see anything anymore unless it has something new to offer. Otherwise they can all fuck off!